2005-08-24 13:49:27Big Shot

On Marriage and Love

A few weeks ago one of my friends asked me what I think about marriage and love. The following was my reply, which I’d like to share with you:

On Marriage and Love

You asked me what I think about marriage and love a few weeks ago. I think marriage is a good experience in which we can learn a lot about ourselves and our life partners as well as life itself. Oftentimes a woman would like to pursue, or, as is often the case, "allow" herself to be pursued by, and marry the man whom she thinks or feels she loves, but who does not suit her or is not good for her; therefore a tragedy occurs. A woman should instead marry a man who loves her. But it may be misleading because a man may claim or pretend to love her, but actually he only harbors sexual desires towards her. He only wants to make love to her, not loving her with true and everlasting affection. If you are endowed with blessings from God, you will meet or find your soul mate. But a soul mate can not be won. A soul mate can only be found.

Women are great creators, containers and guardians of love, all sorts of love. Compared with women’s immense sea of love, men are only tiny boats floating or sailing, from time to time or at all times helplessly, on it. We should cherish and love our daughters more because, when they grow up and are ready to be wives and mothers, they will become the great and even only emotional supporters and comforters of the men whom they love and some of whom will decide the future course of the human world. Women are indeed the controllers of the destiny of the world. They create and change, but yet they are humble and serene. They give, nourish and even save, but they do not brag. They influence gradually but forcefully with love, not with force. They are the stabilizing force in the universe we can so easily gain access to, but which we too often overlook, ignore and even abuse.

We learn to love by being loved and learn to be loved by loving others. But romantic love is selfish. You are not supposed to love more than one person at a time if you do not want to get yourself in too much trouble and agony.

Only love is real. There is no fear in true love. You rejoice when the one you love rejoices. You find your contentment and/or satisfaction in the eyes of the one you love when s/he is contented and/or satisfied. You celebrate together whatever good life brings you and you do not despair because both of you support each other emotionally and with understanding and deep affection. Only through love and by loving and being loved can we truly learn to become more mature and perfect.

Take care. Have a lovely night. ^__^

Cordially yours,

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