2005-08-08 12:28:28Big Shot

The A-bomb, the Japanese and the Chinese

The A-bomb, the Japanese and the Chinese

Today (August 6th) is the 60th anniversary of the A-bomb on Hiroshima, Japan.What do you think about the A-bomb event that occurred in Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945? Most Chinese people (those in and from P.R. China) think the Japanese deserved it, while the Chinese have committed many ferocities - some of which were the most horrible and cruel in history - as well. I think the American government just wanted to end the war as soon as possible. The A-bomb had never been used to destroyed any city or target before August 6, 1945. They had to try it. I do not think they had any other choice.

The most evil country in the world is not Japan, Iraq, Afghanistan or Russia. The most evil country nowadays is China. If we do not stop China and people of China, China and Chinese people will destroy the world sooner or later. You can hardly imagine how bad and evil some Chinese people are. They have been educated in accordance with the Chinese communist doctrines, which are the most evil and disgusting political doctrines and philosophy.

Most overseas Chinese students (those from P.R. China; people from Taiwan are Taiwanese, not Chinese.) want to emigrate to Western countries, especially USA and Australia. They try their very best to accomplish that. some Chinese men are like robbers and some Chinese women are like whores. Some overseas female Chinese students even sleep with Western men, especially American and Australian men, in the hope that those men will marry them so that they can become permanent residents and/or citizens in that Western country. The best things they can use are their breasts - although most of them are very small - and their secret parts between their legs. They are more than ready and willing to open their legs to let Western men have sex with them. Very low-end and disgusting, isn’t it?

Well, that is the way some overseas female students from P.R. China are. What can we say?