2008-07-09 15:28:03七月

【七月亂談 8】萌 ● 浮躁

最近, 脾氣有點浮躁, 特別是對公事, 對同事們的忍耐度也低了很多...

突然覺得, 這個好像是週期性的情況...
埋怨公司的福利, 埋怨那些白目, 埋怨自己薪水低工作多...埋怨埋怨埋怨...感覺自己像個深閨怨女...

很嘆的是, 埋怨comfort zone卻又害怕/懶惰/逃避的不想離開comfort zone...

這樣的內心折磨, 或許也是浮躁的部分原因吧...

除了公司, 生活也略顯沉悶...沒有太大的進步, 沒有太多的學習...依舊, 埋怨埋怨埋怨...真像個慾求不滿的小淫婦...

自己清楚, 是該做些改變, 踏出了一小歩之後卻又膽怯了...原來我是個沒膽的獅子呀~~~

什麼時候, 我才能衝出這個繭呢????

七月 2008-07-13 11:28:28

ermm, i dunno...maybe should learn more about the stars...any website recommend? :)

erm, good idea...chocolate might make ppl feel happier :)

min 2008-07-11 23:51:23

I`ve the same feeling lately, maybe it`s because the affect from the stars? ha :D
anyway, lets hope we both get through this depression period... or maybe.. with some chocolate? ^___^