2006-11-03 10:30:15焦糖嗎啡
finally.. i got a new camera...
this picture shows part of my office...
i just got the kit, 18 to 135 dx. Yeah.. I have checked out the Sony one... but i was not sure.. not too impressed with the design (hah, but what would I know)
and, i decided on d80 instead of d200 is because the weight of the camera. :) though d200 is much better in functionality...
Finally! Excellent choice as well. Which lens did you buy with your D80? I’m up to three 7D bodies now because I enjoy the camera so much and Sony hasn’t shown me anything of interest yet.
Looking forward to seeing your photos. Remember to get a decent hosting site!
The D80 is an excellent camera. It uses the same Sony sensor as the Sony A100 but Nikon implements a better noise reduction algorithm and the D80 has a better view finder than the Sony. You’re not giving up much by not getting the D200. You’re better off not using the in-camera effects and just post process on your PC. The Sony is a good camera (fine detail, image stabilization) but I’m waiting for something better from them before I’ll replace my 7Ds.