2007-06-01 01:54:37藍娟

Art in the Park 亞歷山大公園藝術展

它是在Alexandra Park的一排楓樹下舉行.可惜展示會場禁止拍攝,因為畫的著作權受到保護.不然就可以拍到很好的作品.我最喜歡非洲人自己的作品;很有個性,很有特色;很瀟灑的描繪其生活寫照.他們真的很有藝術天份,無論是唱歌,跳舞及繪畫樣樣通.



以下這段話是從一位畫家Nicky Chovuchovu
送給我的post card當中,翻譯成中文的譯文:

“我的靈感來自生活,是神給我們的禮物.我想謝謝神給我這個機會從它手中得到這個專長.我畫中的主題是愛,希望和寬恕.獻給我最重要的愛Bayete Nkosi Jesu, Nkosi yama Khosi.”

-Nicky Chovuchovu

註:畫作著作權為Nicky Chovuchovu所有.

Julie 2007-12-13 04:05:42

I am study at Pietermaritzbug!
Thank you for your kindness.I am now have no internent to use at home, so I will go visit your website once I could use the net again later on.I come from Taiwan, nice to meet you online:-)

Nicky Chovuchovu 2007-12-03 13:30:21

Yes it is me the artist Nicky writing from Durban, South Africa I do not mind at all, only wondering which country are you in?

Please take some time to visit my site to see my new work . please tell what you think....

Julie 2007-11-21 05:13:32

Hello Nicky Chovuchovu:

I am not sure if you are that `real` artist, but if it`s you then I`m feeling so surprised!I have actually visited Alexandra art in the Park in PMB,this year in Sa.I am so impressed of your artist work, so I wrote an artical in my blog to introduce my positive impression of your creation and talent to share with other friends.Obviously, all great artist work belongs to you with my greatest appreciaton, I am sharing my feelings of your great work to the public, and I hope you would not mind. Best regard, from Julie