2009-09-30 04:39:09JuLiE 啾 & Mr. F ♥

Life in UK ( :

I still remember the date i left my family and fly to England : }

it was on the 28th of August~

and...i just realise that~

one month passed already....>w<

think i am enjoying my life here~

didn't really feel that time passed and a month just gone away~ > w <

maybe that's why people always say~

" every minute, every moment and everyday of our life is very important~need to be cherished and contented "....

During this month...when i see the greeting messages from some of u guys~

i feel realli happii : )~and i miss u all too ~

but seems that u guys are doing fine~ just life get busier~>w<"

hahaha...lol~mine too ": D...

anyway~~~~~~i think i need to stop thinking of the pass~keep looking forward~otherwise...i will be too silly... lol~

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I quite like the life here : )~

easy and simple~( :

a nice and small town which is called Wellington!

A-levels is going fine~i just need to work harder!~

not only for parents' expectation... for myself as well : )

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went to see the "StOnE hEnGe last weekend~ ^^~

iT was amazing~and so nice~

only one thing make me upset~cuz...we can't touch and get close to it :p~


i took lots of photos~^^~

!!!!!!!! StOnG hEnGe !!!!!!!!

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weather here is getting colder...>w<

but sometimes...it's very warm and nice weather here too~

however~the temperatures of day and night is really different ~ 0.-"

getting more and more used to it anyway ^^~

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i also like the cookery club here ^_____________^~

have made different foods XD~taste nice too~ (from my point of view! :p)

had made a some kind of thing call "suggage pie"?! today ^^~

( not sure about what it's call~but it taste really good ^^ )

I love it and friends love it too ~XD~

hEY~!!!!!LOOK!!!!! IT'S MY prOdUcTiOn!!! : D

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will write more abt my life later~ ( :

thanx for listening to me my dear blog XD~lol


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