-----0( ’( I ) ’ )0--------
i have been at home alone for so long...
since i came back from Taiwan...it has been~12 days already...
However!!!! Mom and Sis are coming back 2moro, which i m quite excited about... : )
Somehow~i feel so excited to see them...
I have been feeling so lonely....
feel...unsecure...unhappy...scard...crazy...complicated and...blank...
But...sometimes! I have also enjoyed myself very much~ XD
For example~ "CREATE" something i never made before xb...
oR...play Wii by myself like a crazy person = w ="~~~aha lol
Also...take photo of myself...quite enjoying tho XD...cuZ...sometimes i got nothing to do..=___0"
oR...think about him...make me smile...also..suddenly make me feel weird...
especially~when i see him from cam... : )...feel like...cRying..which i donno Y...
ONly...deep inside know the reasons ..still holding on n...waiting for someone to come and bring them all out....
when i feel lonely...i also go to read those "memory" that i typed..i said...n...things u said before...
n...i Realised n found...how..i was like...OMG...find myself realli crazy...cuz of U..
N...i wonder if u know....anyway~~~~~~
Aha...think i have been thinking too much again...
I know...I shouldn't think...."how NICE " the future is gonna to be...
but...sometimes...i just cannot control myself from thinking of aLL oF theM..
never MiNd...i just need someone's care~
someone feel for me...that...i want n...don't want now~....
anyway~~~~Now...a sentence is showing in my head...
" by now...u should somehow realise wat u got to do "
soMehow...~Now...I just hope that,,,
I can be going there faster...quicker...sooner,,,<('(//3//)')>
tired now... C U~my dear blog~thanx for listening to me : )
thx for typing and let me know how u feel too, talk to u tonight