2005-05-13 17:23:28姓豬的女人【井】

actually.. it's for u.. girl


總是想說些什麼 但等我一到這裡 腦中卻又是一片空白

妳說想看 而我本身其實也想打

不過 說真的 最近好像都沒什麼事情值得講的



透過妳 接觸到一些自己喜歡的事物

pretty fun





我們一定要慶祝一下! unless u dont want to ba...

ok.. so i'll see ya next thursday... for the movies??!!.... man, u kno wat?! i don't even see Star Wars one and two yet.. and you are now askin' me to see Star Wars three w/ u??!! .... %&*#@%... woman.. u should go ask mike.. ((not the runner one, the other one)) i'm 100% sure he will say "yes" before you finish ur sentence ba! n when you ask him to be ready by 7:50 a.m., i guess he'll just be at ur house by 3 o'clock in the morning...... or maybe two!!
ha.. jk la! i lov to go w/ u! but i won't stop to complain until next thursday.
so yeah.. good luck for your finals! n take care!

oh... btw..
can we get sum breakfast before we go to the theater???
umm.. ....
guess it's kinda early to think about this.. sorry.....