2004-05-12 02:37:00JP of OZ

Baking birthday cake

There's this tradition in my institute of bringing cakes for the colleagues on your own birthday. Well, it was mine last Friday, but since I didn't have the time to bake during the week, so I shifted the birthday-cake-session to Monday, so I had more time to bake. Of course, I could have chosen something easier, but to satisfy my ego I decided to try this "Wiener-Maedel Torte" (Viennese Maiden cake). Besides I have a certain reputation in the institute, I could not bring just a simple chocolate or apple cake, could I?

Anyway, to make a long story short, basically everything went wrong. After hours of thinking and hard works, I managed to rescue one of the two cakes. One slight resembles what is displayed in the recipe. And the other one, I turned it into a vanilla-cream cake with stawberry. Guess what, everyone was crazy about the strawberry cake. Ha ha ha, whipped cream and strawberry.... work like a charm every single time.