2010-09-28 13:14:09josky

翻譯文章:2010/10/10 天使意識日冥想






Angel Awareness Day Meditation 10th October 2010

2010/10/10 天使意識日冥想


This year offers a massive opportunity to heal the world and it is important to do this before 2012 to prepare the planet for the higher energies pouring in then.  The angels are waiting and ready to help us if we ask.


Heal the World



1.      Find a place where you can be quiet and undisturbed.

1. 找一個你能夠安靜且不會被打擾的地方


2. Light a candle if possible to raise the energy.

2. 若可能的話就點一根蠟燭來提昇能量。


3. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, relaxing as you breathe it out.  Repeat this three times.



4. Invoke Archangel Michael and ask him to place his deep blue cloak of protection round you.  Then picture the deep blue protective energy expanding until it covers the whole world.

4. 呼求大天使麥可並要求他將他的保護作用的深藍色披風圍繞你。然後觀想深藍色的保護能量擴展直到它蓋住了整個世界。


5. Visualise roots going down from your feet into the earth until you are grounded and anchored.

5. 觀想你的腳有根植入了地球直到你已被根植並錨定。


6. Call in Archangel Raphael and ten million of his emerald healing angels.  Say three times, silently or aloud, I NOW INVOKE ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL AND TEN MILLION OF HIS EMERALD HEALING ANGELS.  When you can sense or see them, feel the huge healing force flowing through you and into every cell.  Then ask the healing angels to touch all those who need it.  Picture or sense this happening throughout the world.





7. Call in Archangel Chamuel, angel of the heart and ten million of his white and pink angels of love.  Say three times, silently or aloud, I NOW INVOKE ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL AND TEN MILLION OF HIS ANGELS OF LOVE.  Relax more deeply and open your heart so that their love pours into you, healing and expanding your heart.  Then send the angels of love to fill all broken or hurting hearts everywhere in the world with wonderful pink light.  See Venus, the cosmic heart, opening like a beautiful pink rose and cascading pure love onto Earth.  You may like to sing ahh as you do this.




8. Call in Archangel Fhelyai, angel of animals, and ten million of his deep yellow angels.  Say three times, silently or aloud, I NOW INVOKE ARCHANGEL FHELYAI, ANGEL OF ANIMALS, AND TEN MILLION OF HIS ANGELS.  Ask them to touch and help domestic, farm and wild animals, healing them and bringing them happiness.  At the same time ask them to touch the minds of humans so that we understand the importance of animals and recognise that they are on their own ascension pathway.  Picture this happening until you can see humans and animals trusting and honouring each other.




9. Call in Archangel Joules, the angel of the oceans, and ten million of his beautiful angels.  Say three times, silently or aloud, I NOW INVOKE ARCHANGEL JOULES AND TEN MILLION OF HIS ANGELS.  Ask them to help the oceans and all creatures within the waters of the world.  Picture the angels healing the creatures and purifying the seas.  Bless the waters and watch them sparkle.  See the coral reefs radiating light and people everywhere honouring the element of water.




10. Call in Archangel Purlimiek, angel of nature and ten million of his blue green angels.  Say three times, silently or aloud, I NOW INVOKE ARCHANGEL PURLIMIEK AND TEN MILLION OF HIS ANGELS OF NATURE.  Ask them to encourage, heal and work with nature for the highest good.  Picture the trees and flowers, the rocks and crystals and every aspect of the natural world radiating and shining.



11. Imagine you are holding the planet in your hands.  A ray of golden light is pouring over and through it.  When you sense it is healed ready to move into the new Golden Age, place it gently and lovingly in your heart centre.



12. Then relax and imagine or hear the angels singing over you and thanking you for your service work.



13. When you are ready open your eyes and return to the place where you started.
