2007-05-24 12:59:34阿佐

See No Evil──第七屆法國電影節(24/5 - 3/6)







因為這兩張戲票,便到電影院網站瀏覽,意外看見Michel Gondry的The Science of Sleep也出現在片單上。雖然據說影片評價一般,但Gondry在Eternal Sunshiine of the Spotless Mind里給我們的感動跟驚喜,此刻仍歷歷在目。

我只希望,The Science of Sleep沒有什么被我國電檢局認為「敏感」的鏡頭才好。

第七屆法國電影節(24/5 - 3/6/2007)
ST 2007-05-29 16:09:27

ai... I agree with you about Doyle`s. guess he is only good with photography? oh, but his short appearance in Tian Mi Mi wasn`t bad.

i have to say some of the segments touches my heart, like Ana in &quotLoin du 16ème&quot (as babysitter),the happy clown family, Margo Martindale as the american tourist, a french learner who dreams come true, the hilarious Steve Buscemi in the subway, Juliette Binoche as the grief mother, the old divorced couple (Gena Rowlands and Ben Gazzara just great, aren`t they?)

Of course I love the Natalie Portman segment the most. hah. love the contemporary shooting style and the train station!!

*** surprise to see Payne acts as Oscar Wilde!

ST 2007-05-25 15:15:51

surprise that &quotparis je t`aime` is not in the film fest...

Perhaps the film is rather new. Though the overall theme is suitable to promote Paris`s Tourism, howewer some of the shorts were really dull and disappointing, especially Christopher Doyle`s work. I like the one by Alexander Payne most, delicately captured the essence of the film`s title. 2007-05-29 13:48:30
ST 2007-05-25 14:06:16

nowadays daniel auteuil`s acting is ok but not as stunning as before... hmm... kinda boring sometime to see him (didnt stand out in `the valet` though its just a supporting role). should reall go n see dany boon. he is real good!
about tatou in priceless, she is not holding the young cute harmless role anymore. oops.. say too much.. watch and u will see lah. i love her this way! how can we not adore her?

Well as far as I know he was absolutely brilliant in Hidden. As for Tatou, I`ve heard a lot of bad reviews about Priceless so far. 2007-05-29 13:44:54