LA哪裡看聖誕燈 ? Upper Hastings Ranch, Pasadena
朋友間常互相打聽,但都說不出一個正確的地點,還好我自己去過Pasadena ,那是一個你不可錯過的聖誕燈展哦 !
FWY 210的Michillinda出口往北,過Sierra Madre Blvd後,隨便一條街左轉即可以到達這個美麗的Upper Hastings Ranch, Pasadena社區.
這一家也很特別,一個小男生在前院彈奏聖誕歌曲,我們好奇走過去,看到桌上的牌子寫著”Hot chocolate $50c”,他以為我們想要買飲料,急忙跟我們說飲料還沒準備好,其實是Barbie想拍照,我猜他可能長的像Johnas Brothers其中一個男生,正在調整位置時,又來了一個男生,Barbie馬上禮貌的邀他一起拍,於是有了這個畫面.
當我們看到放映靡鹿影片的這一家時,Barbie 高興的大叫,因為幾年前Barbie也被同樣的情景所吸引,如今看到同樣的影片,就像看到老朋友一樣,她駐足觀看了一會兒,心裡一定覺得很溫暖吧!
Christmas Tree Lane, Altadena
Three blocks of trees decorated with colored lights. From downtown Pasadena, drive north on Lake Avenue, turn left on Woodbury and right on Santa Rosa to Altadena Drive.
The Balian House (Balian Ice Cream), Altadena
This display includes 10,000 colored lights and numerous holiday depictions all over the front and side lawns of the 3 1/2 acre property. To reach the Balian house from Christmas Tree Lane, turn right on Altadena Drive and travel to Allen Avenue. Make a right turn on Allen and a left on Mendocino.
Upper Hastings Ranch, Pasadena
Each block of the area competes, creating displays with a common theme. Upper Hastings Ranch is bordered by Michillinda Avenue to the East, Sierra Madre Blvd. to the South and Riveria Drive to the West. From the 210 Freeway, take Michillinda Blvd. North to the lights.
(2009) 14th Annual Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Griffith Park Light
4730 Crystal Springs Drive Los Angeles CA, 90027
For the 2010 holiday season, the Griffith Park Holiday Light Festival will not be taking place. It is taking a holiday, as a major water infrastructure project is under construction on Crystal Springs Drive. We wish everyone a very happy holiday season.

“The light festival has been a great, free, family-friendly event for the residents of Los Angeles, and I’m disappointed that we must cancel it for 2010,” said Councilmember Tom LaBonge, whose district includes Griffith Park.
For 14 years, the LADWP has mounted a display of holiday lights along a one-mile segment of Crystal Springs Drive in Griffith Park. The event has become a holiday tradition that attracts more than half million visitors each year.
In March 2009, LADWP began a major water line installation that connects the North Hollywood Pump Station with the Ivanhoe Reservoir in Silver Lake. The project entails the installation of 11,200 feet of 96-inch diameter welded steel pipe being installed in Griffith Park. To halt construction for this year’s festival would jeopardize the targeted completion date of November 2011 and would likely create cause to cancel next year’s festival.
The Department of Water and Power is undertaking this water line replacement project due to the age of the pipe and low water pressure issues. The project is also needed to comply with federally mandated Water Quality Regulations.
Councilmember LaBonge conferred with officials from the LADWP, Department of Recreation and Parks and the Zoo and Botanical Garden to find other sites for the event, but with great regret found that it must be cancelled for 2010.
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其他的像拐杖糖,天使,靡鹿,聖誕老公公等等,效果都沒有白鴿好 2009-02-09 09:24:59