2004-04-22 08:20:00開心國~小精靈~ViVi

Enjoy shopping

21- 04 - 04 Wednesday
I have real fun today, Silver and I went down to Oxford city centre and had lunch in a Thailand restaurant. After that we went shopping, I like shopping too much. I had bought a load of clothes for summer vacation. I would come back to HK during summer, Silver will come with me as well. He and I chose some pretty vests in GAP for me. and he bought a trousers and T-shirt too. We were so delighted as GAP is still on sales. He got two new books about Ships as well. Heehee.. I bought one for him. Don't think he is so clever always like reading, actually he is a illiterate, he just likes looking the ships pictures. I got him a tiny Panda toy too. He has already got three Panda toys, as he loves panda so much. Anyway, I love the way he is, I love the things he like as well. And I love him so much.

Thanks God, at last we did finish the dissertation and handed in on time. But I can't deny I did it till the end of the deadline. I was a little bit lazy. Well, I will be much more hard working in the last term of my Year 3.