Chris de burgh 也唱了美國派,他只唱了一半,就到四重奏在公園排練,黑暗中我們唱著輓歌那段,因為這樣,所以又可以再貼一次美國派,半首歌詞。"Footsteps"依然有"Lady in red"一般柔美的編曲。
A long long time ago I can still remember How that music used to make me smile And I knew if I had my chance That I could make those people dance And maybe they'd be happy for a while But February made me shiver with every paper I'd deliver Bad news on the doorstep I couldn't take one more step I can't remember if I cried When I read about his widowed bride But something touched me deep inside The day the music died
So... Bye, bye Miss American Pie Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye Singing this'll be the day that I die This'll be the day that I die
Did you write the book of love And do you have faith in God above If the Bible tells you so? Now do you believe in rock and roll? Can music save your mortal soul? And can you teach me how to dance real slow?
Well,I know that you're in love with him 'Cause I saw you dancing in the gym You both kicked off your shoesMan,I dig those rhythm and blues
I was a lonely teenage broncing buck With a pink carnation and a pickup truck But I knew I was out of luck The day the music died
I started singingBye, bye Miss American PieDrove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye Singing this'll be the day that I die This'll be the day that I die
Now,for ten years we've been on our own And moss grows fat on a rolling stone But that's not how it used to be When the jester sang for the king and queen In a coat he borrowed from James Dean And a voice that came from you and me
Oh and while the king was looking down The jester stole his thorny crown The courtroom was adjourned No verdict was returned And while Lenin read a book on Marx The quartet practiced in the park And we sang dirges in the dark The day the music died
We were singing Bye, bye Miss American Pie Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was dry Them good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye Singing this'll be the day that I die This'll be the day that I die
Chris de burgh的網站,他還是一樣關心人權、關心世界和平,唉我們依然只關心今天會不會遲到,同事是不是必剩客,或者別人開心農場裡沒偷成的農作物跟那該死會咬人的狗:
上一篇:The shorter story
我的願望就是現場男生跳一首sorry sorry~ (別跟我說你不知道!!)
2025.01.24 來到【班蒂喀黛遺址】這裡有很多殘缺的遺蹟 也有很多不見的石塊 # # 走在這些石塊上
距離上一次回來這個樹洞發文, 倏忽而過居然也四,五年了。 今天是陰雨的周末,必須出門上課😮💨 無聊的課堂,回來這看看以前的
我的願望就是現場男生跳一首sorry sorry~
你是不是留錯版了? 2009-08-01 14:04:09