2010-01-26 22:01:49jumperr

the line between animated world and reality


(啊~~~剛偷看了julie& julia附的the ugly truth trailer喔。。BUTLER 還是很可愛)

anyway, today is my casual day.
my brain is in such blank.

I just finish Julie & Julia..quiet interesting,

Julie  followed Julia's step (recipe), until someday, and she notice there is only the image which Julia exist in her mind , the perfect image, but there is no Julia.

The movie illustrate the joey of cooking so clearly,
and like what  Chinese people say"食色性也" 老實說 這部片整片都在說這兩樣東西的重要 (好佛洛依德喔)

看完片子以後 本來想說超想下廚弄個鬆餅  那是我的最愛
不過 奶油用完了

現在 我在這 看著我莫名其妙定下來的標題 發呆。。  喔 好沒靈感喔 放假就是這樣
神經病 幹嘛這麼嚴肅的題目啊。。明天再寫

到底誰星期二有空啊  。。呼