2016舊金山【旅遊篇】Segway+AT&T Park
2016舊金山【旅遊篇】Segway+AT&T Park
我比對著兩年前的照片,天呀! 這兩個男孩已是青少年,變得成熟了!
Oh my goodness! How cute they were and how much they've grown
Eason arrived at Friday evening and Ethan and Jenny met at SFO.
Rusty still remembers Eason as he wont leave his side when Eason
came into the house. Just in time for a late beef curry dinner and
then to bed.
第二天,Eason大約7:30起床,昨晚睡得非常好。 吃完早餐,大夥去Amy家送明月堂
Eason slept very well and got up at 7:30. After breakfast they walked
to Amy's house to pass them the gift from Taiwan they like the best.
They played basketball about 30 mims.
今早安排了一場特別之旅~Segway! 三個男孩在金門公園玩得很開心,都很想要自己
Segway at the Golden Gate Park! They had lots of fun and such a
great weather,too. They all wanted a Segway of their own when
they finished the tour. Ha! Dream on!
中午在金門公園旁的"Pacific Catch"亞洲餐廳用餐,大家點的每一樣都很好吃喔!!
They went to a fish restaurant named Pacific Catch for lunch. It's a
California Asian fusion place next to the Golden Gate Park.
Everything they had is so yummy!!
中午用餐後,Eason回家小睡片刻。傍晚緊接登場的是"在AT&T看歌劇"的活動! 也許
是因為我是SF opera的會員,所以出發前我已上網列印免費票給Eason,讓他有機會
婚禮就不行咧!! 請點這裡 AT&T Park ) 邊吃晚餐邊玩桌遊,等待著節目開始.....
Eason had a nap after lunch. Jenny and I got the free tickets of the
SF opera Carman Performance in AT&T Park. It's a free telecast live
from SF opera.They were able to sit on the greens. Lovely and warm
at first with dinner and card games while waiting for the performance
to start.
Performance was so great but as soon as the Sun went down, the
temperature also dropped. They were frozen and came home early to
have fruits and hot chocolate before going bed.