哥哥首次交換學生之旅 ~ Day 13 AT&T棒球場+SEA LION+BUBBA GUMP
Day 13 2014/05/07
昨天在後陽台收衣服的時候,發現最近洗的衣服變得好少件喔! 猛然一看那衣架上
Today's breakfast is the usual scrambled eggs, peanut butter and strawberry jam
sandwich, oranges, yogurt and Eason's favourite hot drink from Ikari Coffee from
Taiwan. My strategy is to include his favourite drink to remind him of home and
get him mentally prepared to go home.
Our drive to school. Normally we get a fantastic view of downtown from here
but it's a bit misty today. Don't worry, I'm not driving and taking photos at the
same time. Sydon is helping me take them.
Here we're close to the neighbourhood of Castro. You can see the rainbow flag.
It is actually the LGBT pride flag, and is a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender (LGBT). As you may or may not know, SF is very accepting of the
LGBT community.
Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?
【請見順口溜片段一】 一開始就錯! 我真的很佩服他!!
【請見順口溜片段二】 旁邊的同學真的很辛苦,因為會忍不住和哥哥一起打錯!!
下課了! 要來去看棒球賽囉~~~
哇! 在門口看到吉祥物~黑熊
進場囉! 哇! 人家的球場真的很漂亮耶!! 這時還沒有太多人進場。
The Ren-Ai kids went to watch a baseball game today and didn't get back till
4:30pm. The CAIS kids had study hall till then. Today is big shopping day.
We went back to Fisherman's wharf for gifts for the family. But first, let's have
some Ben and Jerry ice cream. Eason had Cherry Gracia, my favourite.
家,今天的行程是"shopping day",大夥跑到Fisherman's Wharf買一些
紀念品,當然,一定是要先來一支ice cream !
哥哥點的口味是"全世界最好吃的 Cherry Garcia" !!
Ethan had chocolate chip cookie dough.
We went back to Boudin to get some mugs for the gramdpas and saw them
making a sourdough crab. Nice, eh?
We did a lot of shopping on the way and stopped by the Sea Lion statue. Why
sea lions you ask... next photo please...逛完街後,到海獅雕像前拍一張....
Eason couldn't wait to get out of here. He thought it was really stinky (which I agree).
After spending much time looking at the shops and decided what to buy .we were
finally ready for dinner. We decided to go to Bubba Gump. This resturant does
mainly shrimp and is based on the movie 'Forest Gump'. Inside has a lot of Forest
Gump memorabilia.
吃晚餐囉! 今天在有名的Bubba Gump吃,Forest Gump阿甘正傳就是在這ㄦ
拍攝的喔!!【請見Bubba Gump官網】
Wow, lots of shrimp! I thought Eason is allergic to shrimp but according to him fresh ones are ok.
上菜囉! 媽呀! 我這寶貝對蝦會過敏耶....管他的!
These are typical deep fried fatty American food. But it's okay once in a while.
After we got homeat around 9:30pm, we tidied and labeled all of the gifts Eason
bought for his family. It's been another long day for the kids so they were exhaus-
ted. Sleep well all!
我有沒有看錯! 這是我兒買的禮物! 這要說是"很會買"? 還是"很會花"?