2014-05-02 16:35:56Selena

哥哥首次交換學生之旅 ~ Day 7 science museum+Cable Car+Goat Hill

哥哥首次交換學生之旅 ~ Day 7 Autodesk+science museum Exploritorium+Cable

Car museum+ Goat Hill Pizza

Day 7  2014/05/01

寶貝~想不到你到美國已經第七天了....有沒有想我們啦!! 人家妳妹昨天在看你的照




Breakfast is hash brown (fried shreadded potato), scramble egg and ham.

今天的早餐,哇! 媽媽我很喜歡吃這種馬鈴薯籤咧.....

This is Eason's lunch box today. He told me the other day that the 4 half size

sandwiches was too much so I only made him 2 this time. Plus an egg, a sausage

octopus, and 2 string cheese. He loves string cheese.




Then we took the muni to school again cause I stayed back at school to help with the field

trip today too. The school is at Ven Ness station. Can you see the station name at the back.

吃完早餐後就搭Muni上學,搭到Ven Ness station,今天我家的home媽要一起校外教學!

This is a CAIS sign outside the school. Ethan is wearing the CAIS P.E uniform.


We're one of the first ones in the playground.

哇!我們是第一個到校的呢!! (我家buddy還很想睡呢....so poor!)

進教室休息一下。嘖嘖嘖.....你一大早在吃啥呀?! 媽媽我準備的零用錢沒說可


The Ren-Ai kids are having P.E lessons. They are listening to instructions on

playing dodgeball.


Now the CAIS kids are here. All the kids are divided into groups. All the other moms

have 4 kids but I'm assigned 6.  I was told that because I'm very strict so they assign

more to me.  !!!


HOME媽在管孩子上比較嚴厲,分到的是6+6。 (這和我一樣,校外教學時,老師也常


This is my group. I'm looking after Ethan & Eason, Micah & Jason, Mia & Annie.

(Chris & Conner are peeking from behind). We're at the muni entrance.


The first place of visit is Autodesk. Lila's mom Sandy works here. They are a com-

puter graphics design company.

今天的第一個景點~Autodesk (ㄟ~上次不是去過嗎? 原來是別組先去啦!)

Sandy arranged a tour guide for the kids.


Lot's of hands on things to do here. This is Eason trying out the drive along the

Golden Gate Bridge route.      看起來孩子們都很喜歡這一台。


You can help build the dinosaurs lego.  拼樂高~~


Then we walked about 10 mins to a science museum Exploritorium. We had lunch

outside before going in. Eason commented that his lunch is too much but when

other kids want to eat it, he wouldn't let them.

參觀結束後就步行10分鐘後到 science museum Exploritorium。大夥就找個地方開



This museum is also a very hands on museum. Lots to touch and play.


The kids are watching people laughing on TV. The display is to show that laughter

can be contagious.



Making steam come out.

Group photo time!


你看看! 這組就乖很多呢!!  ㄟ~ 為何桌上有杯"珍珠奶茶"呀?!


下午的第二堂課~Hip hop,跳舞課耶!! 超好笑的啦!!跳舞影片


Back at school the Ren-Ai kids did Hip Hop dance and ceramics. I stayed around

with other moms in a nearby cafe as it was only about an hour so it didn't make

sense to go home. Today we're taking the cable car.

今天下課後,HOME媽帶哥哥去坐舊金山市最有名的cable car。

The kids hang off the cable car. They loved it! 安安也有一起來喔!!

Eason is totally excited about it. He said there are no such cable car in Taiwan.


Hang on tight! If you fall off, your mom will kill me... :-)


This is the Cable Car museum. There's a gift shop here.今天參觀Cable Car

museum 媽呀! 哥哥! 你也幫幫忙,照相時肚子也給它收一下,可嗎?! 還插腰咧...?!

The cable cars have no engines or power. They rely on the cables that are

constantly running under the rails. So when they want to go, they hook on to the

 cables and  when they want to stop, they detach themselves from the cables.

These are the cables running the four lines.【CABLE CAR官網




Having a rest at the museum. The seat are like a roller coaster ride...


Whew.....! Over the hill we go!  哇! 衝下來囉!!! (這兩個還挺有演戲天份的嘛!)

These are the actual gears they use in the cable cars. 這尺寸是原本的大小喔!

 What a beautiful day for a cable car ride! 搭cable car去換Muni!

Can you see the transamerica pyramid building in front?

看到了嗎?! 前面就是有名的Transamerica Pyramid,這汎美金字塔共48樓,為市內最



Eason gets the best view from the front.... hang on.... 小心哪!!!

Time to go home. Eason has to get his muni ticket by himself now.

今天的城市之旅結束囉,準備要和buddy的哥哥匯合一起吃晚餐囉~~ home媽讓他

自已買Muni的票,這就對了! 等明年我們去美國時,這件小事就交給哥哥囉!!

He also loves standing at the front looking at the direction the trains are going.


I dropped the kids off at our music teacher's place for lessons and homework while

I bring Ling's bike for a tire change. Dinner tonight is our neighbourhood pizza place.

This place is famous for its sourdough pizza base. They do a really good job here.

The pizzas are yummy.


附近的一家pizza店吃晚餐。【Goat Hill Pizza 官網】

Eason picked cheese and pepperoni pizza. 哥哥點了cheese 及pepperoni口味。

嘿嘿! buddy也點一樣的喔!!

Back home they get 15 mins of play time and they decided to play dodgeball in my

bedroom. It's got the biggest space.

回到家後,孩子們爭取到15分鐘的happy time,有沒有搞錯! 在home媽房間裡打?!

別再丟囉! 媽媽我看了冷汗直流咧~~~

Because pizza is Eason's absolute favourite food, we got him two extra slices to

bring home to eat. Yum!

天呀! 一定是我家哥哥應ㄠhome媽多買兩片的啦!! 這吃完、動完,再吃,寶貝,


今天看到孩子搭cable car的照片,不禁讓我想起19年前,曾在SF待一個



Angel 2014-05-02 22:21:25


明年我們一起去!! 不要給他去!! 哈哈!! 2014-05-02 23:15:35