2005-01-29 15:35:33aq


29th January 2005
Number 9435, Volume 365

Call for Papers - The Lancet Oncology

From May 2005 The Lancet Oncology will begin publishing original research. The journal will consider high-quality original research submissions in any area of clinical or translational oncology that have the potential to substantially improve clinical practice from March 1, 2005.

For more information, please visit: http://oncology.thelancet.com/.

Early Online Publication


Selective head cooling with mild systemic hypothermia after neonatal encephalopathy: multicentre randomised trial
Peter D Gluckman, John S Wyatt, Denis Azzopardi, Roberta Ballard, A David Edwards, Donna M Ferriero, Richard A Polin, Charlene M Robertson, Marianne Thoresen, Andrew Whitelaw, Alistair J Gunn, on behalf of the CoolCap Study Group

Risk of acute myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death in patients treated with cyclo-oxygenase 2 selective and non-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: nested case-control study
David J Graham, David Campen, Rita Hui, Michele Spence, Craig Cheetham, Gerald Levy, Stanford Shoor, Wayne A Ray

The whole truth and nothing but the truth? The research that Philip Morris did not want you to see
Pascal A Diethelm, Jean-Charles Rielle, Martin McKee
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Research letters

Risk of oral infection with bovine spongiform encephalopathy agent in primates
Corinne Ida Lasmezas, Emmanuel Comoy, Stephen Hawkins, Christian Herzog, Franck Mouthon, Timm Konold, Frederic Auvre, Evelyne Correia, Nathalie Lescoutra-Etchegaray, Nicole Sales, Gerald Wells, Paul Brown, Jean-Philippe Deslys

Multifocal cutaneous mucormycosis complicating polymicrobial wound infections in a tsunami survivor from Sri Lanka
David Andresen, Annabelle Donaldson, Lennart Choo, Adrian Knox, Michael Klaassen, Caesar Ursic, Leon Vonthethoff, Steven Krilis, Pamela Konecny
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Head cooling in neonatal hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy
Richard Cooke

Mad cows and monkey business: the end of vCJD?
Mark W Head, James W Ironside

COX-2 selective inhibitors--important lessons learned
Simon R J Maxwell, David J Webb

Healing and peace making in the middle east: challenges for doctors
Samer Jabbour
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Public health

Promoting Arab and Israeli cooperation: peacebuilding through health initiatives
Harvey Skinner, Ziad Abdeen, Hani Abdeen, Phil Aber, Mohammad Al-Masri, Joseph Attias, Karen B Avraham, Rivka Carmi, Catherine Chalin, Ziad El Nasser, Manaf Hijazi, Rema Othman Jebara, Moien Kanaan, Hillel Pratt, Firas Raad, Yehudah Roth, A Paul Williams, Arnold Noyek

The p53 tumour suppressor gene and the tobacco industry: research, debate, and conflict of interest
Asaf Bitton, Mark D Neuman, Joaquin Barnoya, Stanton A Glantz
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Tsunami Web Report

After the Tsunamis: Health Workers Respond

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"The feeble-minded criminal" - 100 years on

Just one before the scalpel

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Surgery versus conservative treatment for intracerebral haemorrhage--is there an end to the long controversy?
Takahiro Nakano, Hiroki Ohkuma

Smallpox vaccines: from first to second to third generation
Gregory A Poland

How much does dardarin contribute to Parkinson's disease?
Alexis Brice

Antibiotics in the prevention of heart attacks
John Danesh

Psychiatry reforms and illegal behaviour of the severely mentally ill
Hans Schanda

Choosing health? First choose your philosophy
Martin McKee, Rosalind Raine

Patronising monkeys
As told to John Bignall
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World Report

Caught in the crossfire of Colombia's civil war
Mike Ceaser

Drinking too much sake in Osaka
Justin McCurry
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Book: Alternative therapies: complement or challenge to allopathy?
Kelly Morris

Theatre: A death of one's own
Arlene Judith Klotzko

Book: A climate of fear
Noah Raizman

Profile: Klaus Stohr: preparing for the next influenza pandemic
Ned Stafford
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Julius Axelrod
Stephen Pincock
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Revisions to the International Health Regulations
William R Steiger

GRACIA: implications for clinical practice
Peter Bogaty, James M Brophy

Sickle-cell disease and the patient
Felix I D Konotey-Ahulu

Birth spacing and neonatal mortality
James D Shelton

GRIT: concern about external validity
Jason Gardosi

Uncoupling proteins in the failing human heart: friend or foe?
Matthijs K C Hesselink, P Schrauwen

Uses of Error: diagnosis, detection, and disclosure
Karen L Dunn, Prasuna Reddy, Glenn Bowes
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Department of Error

Department of Error

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Early surgery versus initial conservative treatment in patients with spontaneous supratentorial intracerebral haematomas in the International Surgical Trial in Intracerebral Haemorrhage (STICH): a randomised trial
A David Mendelow, Barbara A Gregson, Helen M Fernandes, Gordon D Murray, Graham M Teasdale, D Terence Hope, Abbas Karimi, M Donald M Shaw, and David H Barer for the STICH investigators

Safety and immunogenicity of new cell-cultured smallpox vaccine compared with calf-lymph derived vaccine: a blind, single-centre, randomised controlled trial
Richard N Greenberg, Jeffrey S Kennedy, David J Clanton, Elizabeth A Plummer, Lynda Hague, John Cruz, Francis A Ennis, William C Blackwelder, Robert J Hopkins
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Research Letters

Genetic screening for a single common LRRK2 mutation in familial Parkinson's disease
William C Nichols, Nathan Pankratz, Dena Hernandez, Coro Paisan-Ruiz, Shushant Jain, Cheryl A Halter, Veronika E Michaels, Terry Reed, Alice Rudolph, Clifford W Shults, Andrew Singleton, Tatiana Foroud, for the Parkinson Study Group-PROGENI investigators

A frequent LRRK2 gene mutation associated with autosomal dominant Parkinson's disease
Alessio Di Fonzo, Christan F Rohe, Joaquim Ferreira, Hsin F Chien, Laura Vacca, Fabrizio Stocchi, Leonor Guedes, Edito Fabrizio, Mario Manfredi, Nicola Vanacore, Stefano Goldwurm, Guido Breedveld, Cristina Sampaio, Giuseppe Meco, Egberto Barbosa, Ben A Oostra, Vincenzo Bonifati, and the Italian Parkinson Genetics Network

A common LRRK2 mutation in idiopathic Parkinson's disease
William P Gilks, Patrick M Abou-Sleiman, Sonia Gandhi, Shushant Jain, Andrew Singleton, Andrew J Lees, Karen Shaw, Kailash P Bhatia, Vincenzo Bonifati, Niall P Quinn, John Lynch, Daniel G Healy, Janice L Holton, Tamas Revesz, Nicholas W Wood
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Acute renal failure
Norbert Lameire, Wim Van Biesen, Raymond Vanholder
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Rapid Review

Dispelling myths in the treatment of hepatic encephalopathy
Debbie Shawcross, Rajiv Jalan
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Treating Individuals 5: Treatment with drugs to lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol based on an individual's absolute cardiovascular risk
Rod Jackson, Carlene M M Lawes, Derrick A Bennett, Richard J Milne, Anthony Rodgers

Millennium Project: Hunger in Africa: the link between unhealthy people and unhealthy soils
Pedro A Sanchez, M S Swaminathan
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Uses Of Error

An unforgivable delay
Alberto Foglia
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Case Report

Cowpox and a cat
Brigitte Coras, Sandra Ebauer, Martin Pfeffer, Hermann Meyer, Josef Schroder, Wilhelm Stolz, Michael Landthaler, Thomas Vogt
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