2019-02-08 19:13:32辛老師

Richie McCaw提供簡單的解決方案,阻止頂級All Blacks前往海外

Richie McCaw提供簡單的解決方案,阻止頂級All Blacks前往海外
本文譯自奧克蘭news now官網2月8日譯者辛久銘於林口
Richie McCaw表示,阻止頂級全黑隊員(All Blacks)在海外進行大宗薪資金錢交易的解決方案並非萬無一失,但它是有效的。

前全黑隊隊長告訴紐西蘭先驅報(the New Zealand Herald )保留紐西蘭海岸的頂級人才一直是一個問題,但這只是紐西蘭橄欖球隊生活的一部分。
“如果我們有些人確實想離開,他們認為那是件對的事.但如果我們把保持環境良好並且全黑隊成功,這是一個相當艱苦的團隊 - 當你已經嚐到它的味道 -你就會轉身回到懷抱
“我們必須繼續保持鼓舞人心,我希望穿黑色球衣(black jersey)上場比賽榮耀(perform),因為我覺得留在這裡是一個非常大的誘惑(carrot)。”
Richie McCaw為全黑隊148次測試賽(caps),成為2011年和2015年世界盃(World Cups)紐西蘭隊獲得冠軍之後第一位贏得兩次世界杯冠軍的國際隊長。
Richie McCaw says the solution to stopping top All Blacks taking up big deals overseas isn't foolproof but it is effective.

"You've just got to make it really hard for guys to make that decision to go overseas."

The former All Blacks captain told the New Zealand Herald keeping top talent on Kiwi shores has always been an issue but it's just part of life for New Zealand Rugby.

The governing body may not be able to match European clubs dollar-for-dollar, but McCaw believes if guys get a good taste of life in the All Blacks, such as team culture, history and success, it makes other factors such as money less important.

"We've always said having an environment that's really enjoyable and fulfilling, [where] you get looked after, and the chance to play for the All Blacks, that's the things that we've got in our favour as New Zealand Rugby.

"And some will [leave], and rightly so if that's the right thing for them. But if we keep the environment good and the All Blacks successful, it's quite a hard team – when you've had a taste of it – to turn your back on.

"We've just got to keep hopefully inspiring people that want to perform in the black jersey because I think it's a pretty big carrot to stay here."

McCaw played 148 Tests for the All Blacks, becoming the first international captain to win two World Cups after he led the New Zealand side to titles in 2011 and 2015.

He said in the span of his 16-year career he never felt a desire to head offshore, saying it was always a "pretty easy decision" to stay here.