2009-11-19 10:11:46辛老師




IRB Medical Conference puts players first

本文譯自IRB.COM 官方網站1113日譯者:辛久銘於林口

在首屆IRB醫學會議(IRB Medical Conference)的出席代表們確認主要醫學焦點領域,在一個策略下對全球球員福利最佳的練習(player welfare best-practice),和處理在比賽中易受傷趨勢(to tackle injury trends within the Game).

以球員為第一優先”("Putting Players First")為中心議題下,在崔肯翰橄欖球場(Twickenham Stadium)兩天會議,提供醫生和管理人員一個論壇,來考慮最新IRB和其會員國研究,醫學和運動科學的發展(research and medical and sports science developments). 

策略在反禁藥(anti-doping),腦震盪診斷和評估(concussion diagnosis and assessment),比賽的身體狀況(the physicality of the Game),大災難的傷害(catastrophic injuries),女子橄欖球的提升(advances in Women's Rugby),還有球員體力耗盡(player burnout),這些都是主要討論的議題.


以球員為第一優先(Putting Players First): 球員的福利是至高無上(Player Welfare is paramount).所有參予比賽工作人員(stakeholders)要有共同的責任來確認盡可能最佳教育(education)對比賽的打法(playing),教練法(coaching),裁判法(officiating)和管理法(administering ).

新管理的過程(New Management Process): 跨各國協會之間的研究(Cross-Union approach),包含專家們來發展適當的球員福利(player welfare),和醫療政策(medical policies),根據IRB醫學策略計畫(IRB's Medical Strategic Plan).主要政策焦點領域是全球性傷害資料收集(global injury data collation),突發的心臟致死的預防(sudden cardiac death prevention)和傳染性疾病(infectious diseases).這些將提到IRB委員會(IRB Council)考慮將全球性網站(global web-based)訓練和教育示範教材(training and education materials)為第一優先.

腦震盪(Concussion): 瑞士共同聲明(The Zurich Consensus Statement)在運動產生腦震盪,應該以法則10 (Regulation 10)相關所做的決定下為基礎,而且提供法則修改的建議(recommendations)為基礎.如建議球員因診斷有腦震盪(a diagnosis of concussion),被迫離開賽場(the field of play),那麼當日比賽就不能再回到賽場打球.

比賽時球員身體狀況(Physicality of the Game): IRB 以規則(Law)強調在 the tackle 處和 ruck( at the tackle and ruck )為優先考量,而且成立工作小組(a working party)對全球性在比賽時球員身體狀況的研究(global study on physicality of the Game)變容易些同時影響盡可能最好的教育給球員教練和裁判(education for players, coaches and match officials).

這次會議(The Conference)也考慮最近受傷資料(the latest injury data )和統計分析( statistical analysis),而討論也涵蓋在英國高層級橄欖球比賽(at the elite level of Rugby)目前受傷的狀況(injury situation ).

演說專家(Expert speakers)

Dr James Robson (蘇格蘭橄欖球協會SRU),

Dr Colin Fuller (諾丁漢大學University of Nottingham),

Dr Simon Kemp (英國橄欖球協會RFU),

Colin Boreham (都柏林大學運動和健康研究所主任Director, Institute for Sport and Health, University College Dublin), 

Professor William McKenna (倫敦大學心血管科學研究所主任Director, Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, University College London).

"在橄欖球各級比賽球員的福利(The welfare of players)是最重要的,而醫學會議提供唯一的討論平台為協會醫事專業人員和應邀獨立個別的專家來討論主要議題的範圍,交換彼此的觀點,而形成建議(recommendations),來協助更進一步的發展它的醫學策略計畫(Medical Strategic Plan),保證繼續傳播盡可能最好的練習(practice)對比賽的打法(playing),教練法(coaching),裁判法(officiating).” IRB 主席 Bernard Lapasset.

"這兩天討論的性質(quality),和由專家們提出訊息有正面的回應(positive response),很明確顯現集體的決定,來保證球員的福利(Player Welfare),對比賽管理人員首要關切的議題.我將感謝所有與會人員,他們公開,和給予資訊的輸入(input ). "

"經過醫學和球員福利領域的光譜(spectrum)所做的建議(Recommendations)要使IRB經由醫學策略計劃(Medical Strategic Plan)來強調的焦點.這些包括可比較全球性傷害資料收集(global injury data collation),整場比賽身體的狀況研究(a cross-Game physicality study),有目標的教育計畫(targeted educational programmes). IRB現在要檢討(review)從會議中提出所有成果(outcomes),且考慮一組主要建議,提議給執委會(the Executive Committee).”Lapasset接著說

對與會代表(the delegates)而言,會議顯現有結構性的機會,來討論共同興趣的領域,同時它也提供各國協會醫事人員至高無價的信息,分享與會的平台.

 Dr Simon Kemp, (英國橄協運動醫學會長RFU Head of Sports Medicine): "從各國協會的觀點,我們歡迎有機會與其他協會分享研究和其過程,彼此互相學習經驗,而繼續發展更清晰全球一致性(global consensus)在主要課題;諸如:傷害趨勢(injury trends),大災難傷害的預防(catastrophic injury prevention),腦震盪處理(concussion management),突發性心臟猝死的預防(prevention of sudden cardiac death),非法販賣藥物(illicit drugs)和反禁藥(anti-doping ). "

"所有與會代表開誠布公分享她們的經驗.IRB也感謝他們以這樣方式使過程便利.下一個階段-這些建議如何開始進展IRB政策,是主要的步驟.而我很樂觀這次會議這塊領域有影響(have an impact). "

Dr James Robson 補充說明: " IRB醫學會議提供良好第一步.對各國協會一種整合的探討研究,來分享資訊,和討論全球醫學議題,和提出的策略.這些成果目標(outcomes)經由IRB醫學策略計劃,有助於擴大驅使球員福利(player welfare)最好的練習(best practice).


" 以球員為第一優先2009 11IRB醫學會議地點:崔肯翰橄欖球場

Putting Players First

IRB Medical Conference – November 2009

Twickenham Stadium




Putting Players First: Player Welfare paramount and all stakeholders have a

collective responsibility to ensure the best possible education for playing, coaching,

officiating and administering the Game.


New Management Process: Cross-Union approach involving expert groups to

develop appropriate player welfare and medical policies in accordance with the IRB’s

Medical Strategic Plan. Key policy focus areas including global injury data collation,

sudden cardiac death prevention and infectious diseases to be presented to the IRB

Council for consideration prior to global web-based training and education materials

roll out.


Concussion: The Zurich Consensus statement should underpin all decisions relating

to Regulation 10 and provide the basis of any recommendations for Regulation

alteration. If a player is removed from the field of play with a diagnosis of concussion

they should not be allowed to return to play that day.


Physicality of the Game: IRB to prioritise Law enforcement at the tackle and ruck

and to establish a working party to focus global study on physicality of the Game and

influence best possible education for players, coaches and match officials.


Local Anaesthetics: Divided opinion whether the current rules on the administration

of anaesthetic is enforceable. Some Unions would like the Regulation amended and

it was left to individual Unions to make their recommendations to the IRB Council for



Catastrophic Injuries: Establish Consensus Working group to produce definitions

acceptable to and useable by the Member Unions in order that the IRB can collect

data and information on Cervical Spinal Cord injuries. This will enable the causes to

be identified and appropriate action taken. Additionally training for pitch side attention

will be produced for all Unions.


Injury Surveillance: Continuation of Injury surveillance at IRB tournaments and

other Union competitions where there is capability to utilise the IRB Injury Definition

Consensus Document to ensure cross-Union data comparison.


Education: Rugby Ready, Rugby Smart and Smart Rugby programmes proven

globally successful in promotion of best-practice playing and coaching technique,

leading to reduction in injuries. IRB Rugby Ready to be further developed used as

the vehicle for global best practice techniques for playing, coaching, officiating and

administrating the Game, with increased focus on correct tackling techniques and

scrummaging techniques.


Anti-Doping and Illicit Drugs Policy: IRB to take a leading role in promoting

education on illicit drugs through its Keep Rugby Clean platforms, including the new

Anti-Doping website, working with Member Unions