2007-11-18 03:17:29辛老師


(SANZAR seek law continuity)


南非紐西蘭澳洲聯盟(SANZAR), 或音譯三辣聯盟,為三國對抗賽(Tri-Nations)和超級14強(Super-14)負責管理機構,寫信給國際橄欖球總會(IRB),要求新試驗’Stellenbosch’規則,於明年六月和七月國際測試賽施用.



英格蘭 法國 愛爾蘭 義大利和威爾斯等國,將有南半球橄欖球遠征.他們被通知比賽勉強使用新規則.

"我們正在追求比賽的連續性(continuity ) 三辣聯盟競賽組長(SANZAR tournament director )Peter Rowles告訴澳洲.

"另ㄧ種情況,我們在超級14強(Super 14)使用新規則,在對母國測試賽(home Tests)使用舊規則,而在三國對抗賽(Tri-Nations)再使用新規則.

Stellenbosch試驗規則更改如下:允許在ruck中用手處理球;在爭邊球沒有人數限制,(至少兩人);不能把球傳回在己方22米內再踢出界外;在scrum防守時必須退至scrum最後一隻腳後面 5米處.

The Stellenbosch rules include such changes as hands being allowed in the ruck, no numbering off in the lineout, no passing back into the 22 for a kick into touch on the full, and players having to stand back five metres from the base of the scrum on defence.



規則改變的全貌(All the Way with Law Changes)


試驗規則(The Experimental Law Variations )(簡稱ELVs), 在南非 Stellenbosch University實驗設計,其目的使橄欖球帶來更多流暢的打法(free-flowing play).

試驗規則( ELV)在澳洲首度在雪梨和布里斯班分齡比賽(Sydney and Brisbane Grade Competitions)使用,然後在馬自達杯澳洲全國橄欖球錦標賽(Mazda Australian Rugby Championship)施用.

下面八條試驗規則綱要( an outline of the eight ELVs):

試驗規則和敘述(Experimental Law Variations and Commentary)
(ㄧ)巡邊員(Touch Judges)

1. 巡邊員把其水平舉起指向犯規的ㄧ方,指示在Tackle時有人越位.舉旗時,對面巡邊員立刻做相同舉旗動作,以便提供視覺幫助給裁判員.然而裁判員並不必要接納這次犯規.
1. TJ’s can indicate offside at the tackle by raising their flag horizontally in the direction of the offending team. This flag raising will be mirrored by the opposite TJ so as to provide visual assistance to the referee. The referee however is not obliged to act on the offence.

(二)圍繞賽場旗杆和旗幟(Posts and flags around the field)

2. Corner post, and post at corner of touch in goal and dead ball line are moved back 2 metres. This ensures consistency of touch along the entire length of the touch line and touch in goal line.

(三)在22米線內 (Inside the 22 metre line)

3. When a defending player receives the ball outside the 22 metre line and passes, puts or takes the ball back inside the 22, the following can occur:

a. If the ball is then kicked directly into touch, the lineout is in line with where the ball was kicked.

b.如果之後有 tackle或 ruck 或 maul形成,或敵方耍過球;然後將球直接踢出界外,爭邊球就在球出界與邊線的交點.
b. If a tackle, ruck or maul is subsequently formed or an opponent plays the ball and the ball is then kicked directly into touch, the lineout is where the ball crossed the touch line.


4. On a quick throw in, the ball can be thrown straight or backwards towards the defenders goal line, but not forward towards the opposition goal line.

5. A player peeling off at the front of the lineout can do so as soon as the ball leaves the throwers hands.

6. The receiver in a lineout must stand 2 metres from the lineout.

7. The non throwing hooker does not have to stand between the 5 metre line and the touch line. They must conform to law wherever they stand.
8. There is no maximum number of players in the lineout but there is a minimum of 2.

9. Neither team determines numbers in the lineout.

10. Pre-gripping is allowed.

11.如果爭邊球投球不直,不投球的ㄧ方可選擇爭邊球投球權,或自由踢. (10月1日新增入)
11. If a lineout throw is not straight, the option is a lineout or FK to non throwing team. (Added 1 Oct).

(五)Breakdown (tackle/post tackle)

12. Players entering the breakdown area must do so through the gate. RIGIDLY APPLIED

13.當 tackle一成立,馬上有越位線.
13. Immediately the tackle occurs there are offside lines.

14.越位線,經由在 tackle中最後ㄧ人的身體最後面部份,平行於陣線.
14. The offside lines run parallel to the goal lines through the hindmost part of the hindmost player at the tackle.

15. A tackled player必須立刻放球,而其他倒地的球員不能阻止他放球. (10月1日新增入)

15. A tackled player must immediately play the ball and may not be prevented from playing the ball by any player who is off their feet. (Added 1 Oct).

16. 在breakdown時,任何其他想要玩球的球員必須站立,才可玩球. (10月1日新增入)

16. Any other player playing the ball at the breakdown must be on their feet. (Added 1 Oct)

17. 如果在breakdown時,球演變到不能再玩,那麼沒有把球帶入碰撞那一方,獲判自由踢.
17. If the ball is unplayable at the breakdown, the side that did not take the ball into contact will receive a FK.

18. 如果直接接到對方踢過來的球,而tackle立刻發生,球演變到不能再玩,自由踢判給接到球這一方.
18. If the ball is received directly from a kick and a tackle occurs immediately, and the ball becomes unplayable, the FK is given to the team who received the kick.

19. 在breakdown時,有3種罰踢犯規.(但不包括危險動作)
19. There are only 3 penalty offences (not including dangerous play) at the breakdown:

a. Offside for not coming through the gate.

b. 越位,在breakdown時,在他們倒地最後ㄧ人前面的防守員.(註:越位線)
b. Offside where defenders are in front of the last man on their side of the breakdown. i.e. the offside line.

c. Players on the ground preventing playing of the ball.

20. Repeated infringements can be dealt with as per current law.

21. 自由踢可以有選擇scrum的自由.
21. A scrum option is available for all FKs.

22. 危險動作不能容忍,如在the breakdown倒越.
22. Dangerous play will not be tolerated. Eg. Diving over the breakdown.

23. The half back should not be touched unless he has his hands on the ball.


24. Defending players can pull down the maul.

25. Players joining the maul must do so through the gate. RIGIDLY APPLIED.

26.如果 maul變為不能再玩了,在maul開始沒有球權ㄧ隊,獲得自由踢.
26. If a maul becomes unplayable, the team not in possession at the start of the maul receives a FK.

27. ‘truck and trailer’不再視為犯規. (註:‘truck and trailer’是maul推進,如同卡車(truck);但後方集團脫離前方集團,如同隨車軌跡驅進的人(trailer.)
27. The ‘truck and trailer’ is no longer an offence.


28.除傳鋒外,沒有參加scrum的球員的越位線,在參加 scrum最後一隻腳後面5米處.
28. The offside line for players who are not in the scrum and who are not the teams scrum half, is 5 metres behind the hindmost foot of the scrum.


對所有犯規,除了越位,不從正後門加入,和規則10-Foul Play 外,其餘懲罰都是自由踢.
For all offences other than offside, not entering through the gate, and Law 10-Foul Play, the sanction is a FK.

*FK = Free Kick.