2004-03-29 14:19:00鄒本鑾 中西醫師

有機鉻(chromium picolinat)可能致癌

FSA說,大部分營養補充劑的安全無虞,但是號稱有平衡血糖值作用的啶甲酸鉻(chromium picolinat)可能致癌,FSA已考慮禁用。除啶甲酸鉻外,其他種類的鉻每天攝取10毫克以下,無損健康。
 食物標準局引用四年研究的結果警告說,有多種維他命及礦物質補充劑弊多於利。該局促請人們立即減少服用維他命C、鈣質及鐵質的補充劑。它還首次為多種補充劑定出每日攝取的安全劑量,而且為六種補充劑發出強烈警告,還要求把運動員及減肥人士常用的覉啶甲酸鉻(chromium picolinate)列為禁藥。
 該局指出,研究顯示覉啶甲酸鉻會破壞DNA而導致癌症發生,另有兩宗腎衰竭的報告。此外,被發出強烈警告的是:beta胡蘿蔔素(beta carotene)、煙豑酸(nicotinic acid)、鋅、鎂、磷和維他命B6。該局亦提出攝取過量維他命C、鈣質及鐵質的暫時性副作用,指會引致胃痛及腹瀉。
2003 Sing Pao Newspaper Co. Ltd. All rights

會造成危害DNA 致死的突變 及不孕

Popular Fitness Supplement Builds Mutation Not Muscle
A popular sports supplement, chromium picolinate, can damage DNA and cause lethal mutations and sterility, according to new research outlined in an article published in a Spring 2003 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (paper #6646), and authored by Dr. John Vincent, chemistry professor in UA's College of Arts and Sciences.
The finding may increase doubts about the safety of this supplement, which currently boasts annual sales of about $500 million. Chromium picolinate has become a mainstay among fitness and bodybuilding gurus for purportedly reducing fat mass and increasing lean body mass. However, recent studies have linked the supplement with higher rates of DNA damage and other health problems that could lead to cancer.
Dr. Janis O'Donnell, professor of biological sciences in UA's College of Arts and Sciences, also was involved in the research along with Dion D. Hepburn, graduate student in chemistry; Jiarong Xiao, graduate student in biological sciences; and Sharell Bindom, chemistry undergraduate student.
Seeking to resolve the debate, Vincent and colleagues tested the effects of chromium picolinate on the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. When the scientists examined the first two generations of offspring from male flies feeding on chromium picolinate-containing media, they observed fewer male progeny and increased numbers of sterile females. These effects must result from increased numbers of inherited deleterious mutations because the offspring had never been exposed to chromium picolinate.
Vincent suggests, "In light of chromium picolinate's extreme popularity, the supplement should be further evaluated to test its safety or lack thereof."

持久藥 2020-02-25 20:19:40
