I could not hold my tears when I read this piece of writing. Thanks a lot. Thanks, indeed. There`s one thing that you can definitely help me -- bringing your Wii controllers to play with Hei Hei!
明日(12/22)是屏東分會歲末祝福,高雄靜思堂實地彩排的日子。因此,法道器需在今日(12/21)裝設完成。 一早組隊載運著法道器(菩
省到累積:Bal b/f TW$15,049+早餐TW$36+午餐+TW$14+晚餐TW$24+當天不買超過三餐吃喝TW$160+不買茶啡TW$160=TW$15,443 Bal c/f
看完<神鬼戰士 II Gladiator II> 隔天我馬上打電話給旅遊業務詢問去義大利羅馬的行程再來我用 Google Map 查找羅馬城的
I could not hold my tears when I read this piece of writing. Thanks a lot. Thanks, indeed. There`s one thing that you can definitely help me -- bringing your Wii controllers to play with Hei Hei!