You, like a child
Easily satisfied smirk
I like to accompany your
You listening
Your intimate
All you
There is fear of the kind of silence I ignore you
I feel like you need me there
Thank you for a long long time
. . 我在整理電腦裏的連結,老公在廚房悉悉 簌簌,kiki-koko,拿來了一小盤點心 tapas(今晚是義大利臘腸和起士)要 和我分享
省到水電:Bal b/f TW$33,945+TW$365=TW$34,310 Bal c/f
月光照在波光粼粼的河面上 , 天際雲霧飄渺 ; 馬鞍後面的擋泥水的布帛尚未解下 , 所騎乘的駿馬依舊矯健難馴 , 但此刻我只想
■潘文良著作集>勵益品>魚雁千里共今緣>◎陳志成_018 ▽給阿文‥018 (75)1986.08.16.六 ▽給阿文‥018 阿文‥ 直到回