2019-01-03 07:23:52jnnhbvzvxttl

【團購】Hartan Pram Vip GTS 選購指南暢銷排行


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Hartan Pram Vip GTS 設計式樣: 752 · 2018

The perfect city companion - absolutely comfortable and super convenient at the same time.

Its light weight and easy storage ease your everyday life with a child considerably. Due to its innovative fold mechanism you can fold the Hartan VIP GTS easily and in no time at all.

Detachable, air chamber wheels with ball bearing guarantee a smooth run and the highest driving quality. The fancy rims in a trendy aluminium look are a real eye-catcher. The lockable single swivel wheels contribute to the pram's easy manoeuvrability and master even narrow corners and curves easily. Furthermore, the VIP GTS comes with an easy-to-use "Wippmatic" parking brake.

The telescopic push bar with perfect round Solight Ecco handle has been improved compared to its preceding model and now comes with an additional lock-in position - being equipped with an even bigger adjusting area of the push bar, the VIP GTS supplies all parents with optimum driving quality no matter their height.

When combined with Hartan's soft carrycot, multi-functional carrycot or fold carrycot (not included in delivery) you can use this trendy companion right from birth. Attaching an infant car seat is possible with the matching adaptors which are sold separately.熱銷排行榜超實用

The optimised seat unit supplies your child with a heightened sitting position and a better view. Furthermore, the reversible seat unit that features a safety click system ensures a quick change of direction - this way, your child either faces mom and dad or else explores the world around. The adjustable backrest as well as the height-adjustable footrest supply your child with the best sitting and lying position.

The height-adjustable five-point harness of the VIP GTS protects your child from dropping out. The safety bar can be fully removed or else opened to the side.

A large, easy-to-reach mesh basket as well as a transparent rain cover are included in delivery.


  • Heightened sitting position

  • Small folded size, light in weight

  • Optimum manoeuvrability due to lockable single swivel wheels

  • Height-adjustable telescopic push bar

  • Perfect, round Solight Ecco handle經典商品最新出版

  • Parking brake "Wippmatic"

  • Five-point harness

  • Large canopy, soundlessly adjustable

  • Footrest that grows with your child

  • Backrest can be adjusted to full recline position

  • Including transparent rain cover and mesh basket

  • Size folded: L 85 x W 61 x H 55 cm
  • 優惠網站網友開箱介紹

  • Size unfolded: L 88 x W 61 x H 113 cm

  • Weight when used as pram: 13,9 kg

  • Weight when used as pushchair: 14,6 kg

  • Made in Germany




Hartan Pram Vip GTS





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康康驚爆無收入討債2000萬! 吳宗憲痛心回應了

雖然目前有不少消息指稱LG預計在下半年推出名為LG V40的新機,但LG墨西哥分公司稍早似乎已經在墨西哥工業產權局 (IMPI)註冊「LG V90」商標名稱,預期將用於智慧型手機領域。 分享 facebook 根據LETSGODIGITAL網站取得消息,表示LG稍早已經在墨西哥工業產權局註冊「LG V90」商標名稱,或許將會用在下一款手機產品,但不確定是否與近期傳聞的LG V40 ThinQ有關。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 先前消息表示,LG目前已經開始投入新款V系列機種研發,同時也將如先前說明在機身採用OLED顯示面板,藉此與採用LCD顯示面板的G系列機種作產品定位區隔,其他則預期同樣採用顯示模式可手動調整的「瀏海」設計螢幕、與Google深度合作人工智慧技術應用,以及採用Qualcomm高階處理器規格等設計。而在相機方面,LG可能將會進一步提昇V系列機種拍攝應用功能,並且在前後總計採用5組鏡頭。若以目前市面機種設計來看,或許將比照HTC U12+採用正面雙鏡頭設計的視訊相機模組,而背面則可能比照華為P20 Pro採用三鏡頭設計,但在實際拍攝應用是否會在廣角、近拍設定之外加入其他如黑白、望遠等鏡頭規格,暫時還無法確定。至於新機最快推行時間,將可能選在IFA 2018期間展示,但稍早也有說法指出LG可能計畫在10月才會推出新機,避免與三星、蘋果等廠商直接競爭。(圖/擷自LETSGODIGITAL網站) 分享 facebook

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