2008-05-30 21:16:29Pierce

Good done, Kobe!! And what’s the next?

The Lakers swept out the Spurs with almost cleaning-taken--4-1--today, they already paved the way to the championship final. On the other hand, the east has still on fire and not gotten a conspicuous conclusion that which will vie with the Lakers? On May 28, Celtics and Pistons have great struggle and marvelous offensive and defensive contest, but the result was tilting to Celtics with 4 points lead win. However, when seeing through whole serious games between Lakers and Spurs, the later seemingly could not quench the fire burning the hoop; also, they sent Bruce Bowen, the best defensive player of the Spurs, but apparently not worked out. (looks like his dirty trick have been cracked, even when as of Chris Paul.)

The Lakers has not surged up untill the one comes to join with, Pau Gasol, the former star of the Memphis Grizzly, a 7 feet height center who has great flexibility and shrewd awareness and perspective on court; with his assistance, Kobe and Lamar consequently fulfilled their dream--having the opportunity to pursue the championship, the trophy.

Despite the ugly past (sexual harassment) and rumors (disharmony with Shaq O’neal, former leader of Lakers) had had almost ruined Bryant’s career, he, however, for those years, lower his swagger down and stop yelling the transaction to other teams, truly encouraging his teammates keep enhancing themselves. Attempting to express his leadership and explosive ability in offense, he is not only upgrading himself to top level but bringing his teammates to approaching one’s limitation to extreme. The result is mellifluent and illustrious. And that’s the way being a leader and a greatness should be.

Whatever will it be the Celtics or the Pistons being the opponent against, Kobe and his lakers already did a grandiose job in this season. While, personally, I am not one of his buffs, I am yet gonna say ”congratulation, Kobe Bryant, you’re almost heading your way into the greatness.” Godspeed!