2007-01-18 23:34:19Jacky


讀  經:以弗所書2:11-22
金  句:「我的弟兄們,你們信奉我們榮耀的主耶穌基督,便不可按著外貌待人。」(雅各書2:1)

  主啊,若我們煽起了偏見的余燼,也就是你捨命為要將之熄滅的,求你憐憫我們吧!MRD II


Sin Of The Skin

Read: Ephesians 2:11-22

Do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality. --James 2:1

Most people hate to be accused of racism. But racial bias is all too prevalent. Even Christians have had a long history of ethnic prejudice. In the first century, Jewish believers were reluctant to accept their Gentile brothers. In recent years, racial discrimination has been a dominant issue.

Prejudice can run so deep that it sometimes takes a tragedy to make a person see how wrong it is to discriminate on the basis of physical differences. Several years ago I read about a bigoted truckdriver who had no use for African-Americans. But one early morning, his tanker truck flipped over and burst into flames. A week later, he was lying in a hospital bed and looking into the face of a black man who had saved his life. He learned that the man had used his own coat and bare hands to smother the flames that had turned the trucker into a human torch. He wept as he thanked the man for his act of unselfish heroism.

We shouldn't need a tragedy to open our eyes. We need only look to Calvary. There our Lord gave His life for people of every language, race, and nation. The universal scope of His sacrifice shows His love for every human being.

Have mercy on us, Lord, if we have fanned the fire of prejudice that You died to put out. --MRD II

Join hands, then, brothers of the faith,
Whate'er your race may be;
Who serves my Father as a son
Is surely kin to me. --Oxenham

Prejudice is a lazy man's substitute for thinking.

