2006-12-25 21:36:59Jacky
讀 經:馬太福音 1章18-25節
金 句:「你要給他起名叫耶穌,因他要將自己的百姓從罪惡裡救出來。」(馬太福音1章21節)
如果不仔細思考的話,即使是基督徒有時也會誤解聖誕故事的真正含義。陸卡克(Halford E. Luccock)在一篇發人深省的文章中警告說:「我們會因為太沉醉於這個嬰孩的故事而變得越來越多愁善感。這個故事沒有要求我們為此做任何事,也沒有要求我們在思想或生活上做出重大的改變。 最大的問題是:我們的聖誕節只是關於一個嬰孩的故事,還是遠遠不止這些?其實,這是一個與這位嬰孩有關的不朽的故事。這位嬰孩長大成人後,將世界從罪中救贖出來,並呼召我們成為他的宏偉計劃中的追隨者」
當上帝的使者對約瑟顯現時,說:「你要給他起名叫耶穌,因他要將自己的百姓從罪惡裡救出來。」(馬太福音1章21節) 我們只有透過十字架和復活來看耶穌的降生時,才能真正明白基督來到世上的意義。
金 句:「你要給他起名叫耶穌,因他要將自己的百姓從罪惡裡救出來。」(馬太福音1章21節)
如果不仔細思考的話,即使是基督徒有時也會誤解聖誕故事的真正含義。陸卡克(Halford E. Luccock)在一篇發人深省的文章中警告說:「我們會因為太沉醉於這個嬰孩的故事而變得越來越多愁善感。這個故事沒有要求我們為此做任何事,也沒有要求我們在思想或生活上做出重大的改變。 最大的問題是:我們的聖誕節只是關於一個嬰孩的故事,還是遠遠不止這些?其實,這是一個與這位嬰孩有關的不朽的故事。這位嬰孩長大成人後,將世界從罪中救贖出來,並呼召我們成為他的宏偉計劃中的追隨者」
當上帝的使者對約瑟顯現時,說:「你要給他起名叫耶穌,因他要將自己的百姓從罪惡裡救出來。」(馬太福音1章21節) 我們只有透過十字架和復活來看耶穌的降生時,才能真正明白基督來到世上的意義。
The Baby Grew Up
Read: Matthew 1:18-25
You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. –Matthew 1:21
Bible In One Year:
Revelation 1-3
Even Christians can miss the point of the Christmas story if they aren't careful. Halford E. Luccock warned of that danger in a thought-provoking essay. He wrote: "We can become so charmed with the story of a baby that we grow sentimental about it. It does not ask that we do anything about it; it does not demand any vital change in our way of thinking and living.
"The great question for us is this: Is our Christmas still only a story about a baby, or is it more, a . . . story about a Person into whom the baby grew, who can redeem the world from its sins, and who calls us into partnership with His great and mighty purposes?"
When the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph, he said, "You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins" (Mt. 1:21). It is only as we see the birth of Jesus in light of His crucifixion and resurrection that we are able to grasp the full meaning of Christ's coming.
With your eyes wide open this Christmas, respond to God with love and commitment for the gift of His Son. Focus your thoughts and actions and motivations toward honoring the Baby who grew up and died for all our sins.
Christ the Savior is born! –DCM
When we look beyond the manger
To the cross of Calvary,
We will know the reason Christmas
Brings such joy to you and me. –DJD
The mission of the cross is hidden in the message of the cradle.
Who Is This Man Who Says He's God?
10 Reasons To Believe That God Became A Man
Read: Matthew 1:18-25
You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. –Matthew 1:21
Bible In One Year:
Revelation 1-3
Even Christians can miss the point of the Christmas story if they aren't careful. Halford E. Luccock warned of that danger in a thought-provoking essay. He wrote: "We can become so charmed with the story of a baby that we grow sentimental about it. It does not ask that we do anything about it; it does not demand any vital change in our way of thinking and living.
"The great question for us is this: Is our Christmas still only a story about a baby, or is it more, a . . . story about a Person into whom the baby grew, who can redeem the world from its sins, and who calls us into partnership with His great and mighty purposes?"
When the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph, he said, "You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins" (Mt. 1:21). It is only as we see the birth of Jesus in light of His crucifixion and resurrection that we are able to grasp the full meaning of Christ's coming.
With your eyes wide open this Christmas, respond to God with love and commitment for the gift of His Son. Focus your thoughts and actions and motivations toward honoring the Baby who grew up and died for all our sins.
Christ the Savior is born! –DCM
When we look beyond the manger
To the cross of Calvary,
We will know the reason Christmas
Brings such joy to you and me. –DJD
The mission of the cross is hidden in the message of the cradle.
Who Is This Man Who Says He's God?
10 Reasons To Believe That God Became A Man