2006-06-27 21:17:27Jacky


讀  經:約拿書1章
金  句:「簽放在懷裡,定事由耶和華。」(箴言16章33節)

  那麼對於我們信徒來說,這一切說明瞭什麼?從基督徒的觀點來看,碰運氣這類事是不存在的。上帝或直接或間接地參與我們所遇到的任何事。因此無論在什麼情況下,我們都可以信靠、順服他,因為就連最細小的事情都在他的控制之下。MRD II


He Is In Control

Read: Jonah 1

The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord. --Proverbs 16:33

Flipping a coin, drawing straws, or taking a number out of a hat have long been ways of resolving disputes. I once read of an election in an Oklahoma town where the two leading candidates each received 140 votes. Rather than go through the expense of another election, city officials used a chance method to decide the winner, and everyone accepted the outcome. What the writer of Proverbs said proved to be true: "Casting lots causes contentions to cease, and keeps the mighty apart" (Prov. 18:18).

Many people view all of this as nothing more than a matter of chance. But the amazing thing about what the Word of God calls "casting lots" is that the Lord is ultimately the One who controls the outcome. This was true in the story of Jonah, where God showed Himself to be Lord even through the actions of superstitious, unbelieving sailors.

So, what does all of this say to us as believers? From the Christian's perspective, there is no such thing as chance. God is either directly or indirectly involved in everything that happens to us. He can therefore be trusted and obeyed in any circumstance, because even the smallest details are under His control. --MRDII

Things don't just happen to those who love God,
They're planned by His own dear hand,
Then molded and shaped, and timed by His clock;
Things don't just happen--they're planned. --Fields

God is behind the scenes and controls the scenes He is behind.

How Much Does God Control?

