2006-06-22 22:30:23Jacky


讀  經:約翰福音5章1-9節
金  句:「耶穌看見他躺著……問他說,『你要痊癒麼?』」(約翰福音5章6節)

  因為我們生活在被罪惡毀壞的世界裡,所以我們會受到不公平的對待。很多事不是我們所能改變的。當我們也應知道,障礙並不會單因我們的信仰而消失。那麼,遇到我們無能為力的場合,上帝要我們作什麼呢?聽聽他對畢士大池旁之人所問的問題:「你要痊癒麼?」然後依靠他的力量,對你能改變的事採取行動。 DCM


Not Just A Victim

Read: John 5:1-9

When Jesus saw him lying there, . . . He said to him, "Do you want to be made well?" --John 5:6

David Gelernter suffered permanent injuries when he opened an explosive package sent by the man known as the Unabomber. But he has refused to view himself as a helpless victim or to wallow in self-pity. Gelernter writes, "When you encourage a man to see himself as a victim of anything--crime, poverty, bigotry, bad luck--you are piling bricks on his chest."

The tendency to see oneself as a victim of life's injustices is widespread today. It's easy for all of us to feel that our misfortunes have somehow deprived us of the opportunity or the will to become the kind of people we long to be.

I have often pondered the question Jesus asked the man lying by the pool of Bethesda: "Do you want to be made well?" (Jn. 5:6). The man answered with an excuse that was overpowered by the command of Christ: "Rise, take up your bed, and walk" (v.8).

Because we live in a sin-damaged world, we will suffer injustice. Many things aren't in our power to change. Obstacles don't disappear merely by our exercise of faith. So what does the Lord want us to do about circumstances that may paralyze us? Hear His question to the man by the pool, "Do you want to be made well?" Then rely on His strength and act on the things you can change. --DCM

Say not, "The days are evil. Who's to blame?"
And fold the hand and acquiesce--oh, shame!
Stand up, speak out, and bravely, in God's name,
Be strong! --Babcock

We need not be victims, because Christ is the victor.

Joseph: Overcoming Life's Challenges
Does God Want Me Well?

