2006-05-04 21:22:28Jacky


讀  經:使徒行傳20:17-27
金  句:「我卻不以性命為念,也不看為寶貴,只要行完我的路程」(使徒行傳20:24)

  由於我們的原罪,我們的性格特徵是貪婪,而不是自我犧牲;但那是可以改變的。透過對耶穌的信,我們被饒恕了,而且我們的心也轉變了。因此當我們依靠居住在我們內心的聖靈,我們便可以實踐自我犧牲的愛。MRD II


The Legend Of The Pelican

Read: Acts 20:17-27

None of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy. --Acts 20:24

I was surprised to learn that in religious art the pelican has long been a symbol of self-sacrifice. Having observed these strange birds firsthand while fishing along the west coast of Florida, I felt that they were more like lazy freeloaders than self-denying saints. With pitiful stares that masked hearts full of envy, they would sit and lust after every fish I caught. Once in a while they would even try to intercept one before I could reel it in.

Their behavior, however, is not why they symbolize self-sacrifice. The association is made because of their red-tipped beak. According to legend, when a mother pelican cannot find food for her young, she thrusts her beak into her breast and nourishes her little ones with her own blood. The early church saw in this story a beautiful picture of what Christ did for us and what we in turn should do for one another. The apostle Paul reflected this self-giving attitude as he made his farewell speech to the Ephesian believers (Acts 20:24).

Because of our sinful nature, we are characterized more by greed than by self-sacrifice. But that can change. Through faith in Jesus, we are forgiven and our hearts are transformed. Then, as we depend on God's Spirit who lives within us, we will practice the art of self-sacrificing love. --MRDII

Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a present far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all. --Watts

Nothing is more pleasing to God than self-sacrifice.

What Does It Take To Follow Christ?
What Is Real Love?

