2006-04-30 21:10:26Jacky


讀  經:羅馬書10:13-17
金  句:「務要傳道!無論得時不得時,總要專心。」(提摩太後書4:2)

  一位臨終的婦人作見證說,她是讀了從澳洲寄來的一個包裹的包裝紙上的一段話而得救的。那是英國牧師查爾斯.史柏堅(Charles Spurgeon)所講的道。他在英國講道,後在美國出版,運到了澳洲,最後成了包裝紙送回英國,在倫敦這個首先宣講的地方,這段佈道詞轉變了一顆珍貴的心!這就是聖經的力量。MRD


Are You A Preacher?

Read: Romans 10:13-17

Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season. --2 Timothy 4:2

When challenged to speak to others about Christ, some believers excuse their silence by saying, "Well, I am not a preacher." But every follower of Jesus is (or at least should be) a preacher. We don't need a pulpit. It can be done in friendly conversation, by handing out a tract or portion of Scripture, by writing a letter, or by singing a song.

I received the following letter: "Several months ago, on a bus in Detroit, I picked up a copy of Our Daily Bread, which someone had left on the seat. I began reading it and became so interested I wrote to you asking for the current booklet. Through this I began listening to your radio program and was wonderfully saved. I am eager to get to heaven and find out who left that booklet on the seat in the bus!"

A dying woman testified that she was saved by reading a piece of wrapping paper in a package from Australia. The crumpled pages contained a sermon by British pastor Charles H. Spurgeon. The sermon, first preached in England, printed in America, shipped to Australia, and then sent back to England as wrapping paper, was the means of converting a precious soul in London where the sermon was first preached! That is the power of the Word! --M. R. De Haan, M.D. (founder of RBC Ministries)

We do not need a pulpit
From which to speak God's Word;
It only takes our willingness
To share what we have heard. --Sper

Jesus said, "Go into all the world" (Mk. 16:15).
The world begins where your front yard ends.

How Can I Break The Silence?
How Can I Share My Faith Without An Argument?

