2006-04-20 16:47:12Jacky


讀  經:加拉太書6:7-14
金  句:「我斷不以別的誇口,只誇我們主耶穌基督的十字架。因這十字架,就我而論,世界已經釘在十字架上;就世界而論,我已經釘在十字架上。」(加拉太書6:14)

  音樂會結束後,一位婦人衝向小提琴家弗裡茲.克里斯樂(Fritz Kreislev),熱切地說:「喔,我想要像你一樣把生命獻給拉琴。」克氏嚴肅地回答說:「我確實是這樣做的。」


Giving Your Life

Read: Galatians 6:7-14

God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. --Galatians 6:14

A woman rushed up to violinist Fritz Kreisler after a concert and gushed, "Oh, I would give my life to play as you do!" He answered soberly, "That's exactly what I did."

Kreisler had made a great sacrifice of time, effort, and personal desires to attain the heights of such human accomplishments. So too, in the spiritual realm, if we would become mature followers of Christ, we must be willing to die to self.

Three crucifixions are in view in Galatians 6:14. First is the crucifixion of Christ. His sacrificial death on the cross provided our salvation. Second is the crucifixion of the world. Its pleasures, honors, treasures, and anything that hinders us from full blessing must be rejected. Third, we as believers are crucified, no longer responsive to the world's temptations. The first cross speaks of the basis of our salvation, the second deals with the result of our salvation, and the third points to the living out of that salvation from day to day.

Can you truthfully and enthusiastically say with Paul, "God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world"? When you can say that, you're making a sacrifice that will reap eternal rewards. --Henry G. Bosch (ODB Editor 1956-1981)

Take the world, but give me Jesus,
All its joys are but a name;
But His love abideth ever,
Through eternal years the same. --Crosby

Jesus paid the price for my salvation; how am I showing my gratitude?

What Does It Take To Follow Christ?
How Do You Live The Christian Life?

