2004-02-05 14:08:40尚未設定

關於Orlando Bloom

Orlando Bloom 奧蘭多布魯
生於:坎特伯里,英國 Canterbury, England
家人:爸爸 Harry Bloom,是一位反種族隔離政策主義者,也是一名作家,在奧蘭多才4歲的時候就過世了.因此奧蘭多和大兩歲的姊姊Samantha是媽媽親手帶大的.

★☆從英國的Guildhall School of Music and Drama畢業的,現在好萊烏有好幾個有名的演員都是從這裡畢業的,如伊旺麥奎格等.
★☆奧蘭多的名字是從 Virginia Woolf 的書'Orlando: A Biography'取的.(Virginia Woolf就是妮可基曼的新電影"時時刻刻"講的那個作家)
★☆和"珍珠港"女主角Kate Beckinsale凱特貝金賽一起演Cameron Crowe(成名在望)導的GAP廣告.
★☆被Teen People Magazine選為25個25歲以下最受歡迎的明星.
★☆贏得2002MTV大獎的Breakthrough Male.(最具突破演出男演員)
★☆贏得2002 Empire Awards 的 Best Debut(最佳新人)

◎ 王爾德
◎ 黑鷹計劃
◎ 魔戒首部曲:魔戒現身
◎ 魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀
◎ 魔戒三部曲:王者再臨
◎ 神鬼奇航:鬼盜船魔咒
◎ 特洛伊:木馬屠城
◎ The Calcium Kid
◎ Ned Kelly
◎ Kingdom of Heaven
◎ Haven
◎ 神鬼奇航續集

(on salary) "I don't care much about the money at all. Frankly, if I get the chance to kiss someone in a movie, they wouldn't need to pay me at all."

On his character Legolas and the way Legolas moves: "Legolas doesn't speak a lot - he prefers to let his actions speak for him. Legolas' moves are smooth and elegant, like a cat. You know how cats can jump and land steadily on their paws? That's what I'm trying to do. There's a strength in that, but it's very balletic. It's also bloody hard to do without falling over!"

"It's all very surreal. I've had two very fantastic experiences. In Lord of the Rings and in Black Hawk Down. I feel very lucky. I'm sort of doubly excited."
這一切感覺都很超現實.我有兩次非常棒的經驗,拍魔戒和飛鷹計劃.我感到非常幸運,有點過度興奮了.(大概是這樣吧!不確定doubly exicited要怎麼翻...)

"I'm rather accident-prone, I have to admit. I've broken my back, my ribs, my nose, both my legs, my arm, my wrist, a finger and a toe and cracked my skull three times."

On how he got the part in Black Hawk Down - "My character breaks his back, and I had mentioned I had done that when I was up for the part. Who knows why one actor gets a job and another doesn't? I think it was just good timing that I happened to be there and I had had the experience - I mean, I was lucky."

"I broke my back. I fell out of a window... some friends had a roof terrace on the landing before their apartment, and I fell off the drain pipe. It gave way, actually, and I fell three floors. I was told I might not walk again. So, for about four days,I was contemplating that as a serious part of reality. Then they operated, and I walked out of the hospital in about twelve days."

"Vig used to call me 'elf boy', and I'd call him 'filthy human'. As an Elf, I never got a scratch on me, never got dirty. And Vig would come out with blood and sweat all over him. And he'd say to me, 'Oh, go manicure your nails."

On his 2002 Empire Award: "I think my mum will have [my award] in pride of place somewhere beside my grandmother on the mantelpiece."
關於得Empire Award:我想我媽應該會光榮地把它擺在壁爐的架子上,在我奶奶的照片旁吧!

"We have these digs at each other. Viggo will go on about Elves and how they're always doing their nails and brushing their long, blonde hair, and being all prissy. And I just say: Well, at least I'm going to live forever! Got that? LIVE FOREVER!"