2004-11-30 19:05:39阿綠


i gonna make a decision
leaving the wrong way...
walking on the right way...
dear... plz! help me! give me the strenth...
give me a chance to turning 2 you !
i can do it through your grace and power
i hand out
all my desire..
all my disgrace...
all my shame..
all my sin...
all my weakness..
all the bad things i've done..
i feel so sorry ,dear...
are u still with me...?
you will,right?!
i m really tired!
tired of repeating doing things i don't wanna do
tired of obeying my dilapidated body
tired of seeking you but no answer
tired of playing the worship but using my own strenth
tired of pretending i m ok!
tired of say yes 2 everyone!
tired of drinking and drinking
tired of smiling all the time
tired of finding different exciting games
tired of be attracted by the dangerous thing and people
save me! save my fucked up life!
from now on!
i 'll see the change!
i won't fear of anything...cuz of u r my anwser!
you've done everything for me!
dear ,i love you!
i wont loose ur hold!
i wanna flying in ur sky!