2003-07-16 12:11:03Green

Let bygones be bygones

I'll miss cuddling with you on the couch watching Cheers.
I'll miss your pouty face.
I'll miss those mornings we had omelets together.
I'll miss your weird funny songs.
I'll miss those moments we said "I love you" and looked into each other's eyes.
I'll miss you telling me we two can always work things out.
I'll miss going to supermarket with you.
I'll miss you calling me mama.
I'll always miss your pasta.
I'll miss playing around with you and pretending I got hurt.
I'll miss those Sundays we went to church and felt refreshed.
I'll miss the way you said prayers before go to bed.
I'll miss those moments when we mad the house looked nice.
I'll miss the most those evenings I fixed dinner and through kitchen window watched you parking in front of the house.
I'll even miss those nights I sat beside you, held your hand, and prayed to God in the hospital.

You may not agree with me, but I left you to get those days back.
Though I knew I might lose you, I still took the stake.
Unfortunately, I lost.
Maybe you don't know that I missed being with you more and more every single day.
So many nights I missed you terribly but dared not call and wake you up just to tell you "I miss you".
Now there's only onen thing I know for sure.
Next time when I'm in love, I won't forget to show it.
That's something you've told and taught me.
I thank you for teaching and giving me so many things.
You've left me sweet memeories and more confidence.
Thank you. Thank God for you.
You were a great lover.