2007-02-25 06:32:23James段

“The Starry, Starry Night”

Yes, this is the title of my story. But it has got nothing to do with the famous painting which has the same name---starry, starry night by Vincent Van Gogh or the song “Vincent” written by one of my favorite songwriters, Don Mcklean.

Again, this is a story that happened to me.

Please just take a good look at me first; then, I’ll say you’d already read the whole story through (don’t worry; I’m not going to finish it just like this!) Well, what I mean is: what you’re looking at here is a man who used to lose everything only in one day, but managed to have everything back years later.

One morning in September 1993, in Glendora, L.A, I finally signed those documents made by my ex-wife’s lawyer. By a few strokes of my autographs, I had given up all my legal rights with my properties---cars, a house, and money, everything to her. With some funny feeling, I decided not to send any attorney or lawyer to play the zigzag games with her. Thus, all of a sudden, I became someone who has only 700 dollars in the pocket, even though who used to own a nice house with swimming pool, a Cadillac 1992, a Camry 1990, CD account, stocks and……a wife. On a contrary, my ex-wife had won herself everything plus the green card that I had for her, though she has gotten a little shock for my simple reaction.

Since I had this eagerness of becoming a lama (Tibetan monk) in heart for quite a long time, after my signing, I thought it should be a good starting point for me to actualize my dream of “出家”.

That night, I packed the least necessary belongings for one suitcase. Having left all the other “used to be important” stuffs alone, I tried to be ready facing my “looking for a master” trip the next day. Then the most difficult moment in my life came to me---to abandon all my personal photographs since the day I was born, all the poetry, the lyrics, songs, the notes, drafts for speech and the compositions that created by myself---this was even far much harder for me to do than what I did in the morning.

I collected all of them for tow boxes, carried them to the front yard. Before putting them into a large garbage bin, I raised my head and found the most brilliant view that I have ever seen. The sky was almost crowded with the shinny stars, and it looked just like someone has spread a millions of diamonds on a huge piece of dark blue velvet. The view was so spectacular and unforgettable. I threw all those “then- treasure- now- trash” things away from my hands and went back into my “house- for- the- last- night” without a sigh or anything--- just like that.

Eventually, I wasn’t able to make it for becoming a lama (that will be another story, though). But after all these years, as you can see, I survived. Now I live happily with my just married wife in a cozy apartment without any swimming pool or yards in Taipei. My life goes on well, and I believe everything will go on better then better.
The past has become only the parts of memory. Every time I recall this part of my life, the first thing coming into mind is not the matter of my divorcing itself, but the beautiful starry sky of that night.

What do you think of this story? I know it’s not exciting enough, but I’m sure it’s quite a genuine one. I’d really like to share with all of you here with my sincerity.

About my comment to this story, I like to conclude it only by one of the great Chinese poets ---李白’s famous phrase: 千金散盡還復來. My translation for it is like this: Just let go what it has to go, for the great returning afterwards.


是的,故事的題目正是如此。但是這和梵谷的那幅同名名畫,或我最喜歡的吉他手Don Mcklean寫的歌曲 “Vincent”可沒什麼關係。









這樣的故事可能跟你們預期的不同,既非幽默小品也非智慧寓言。但是我保證它很真實,我誠懇的願和你分享它。至於對故事該有什麼comment?我想借用中國詩人李白的名句:「千金散盡還復來」作為結束。對這了不起的好句子,我的譯文如下:"Just let go what it has to go, for the great returning afterwards".

段〞 2008-03-01 11:37:12

恩 祝你現在更幸福 堅持自己想做的
決定 就 坐下去