2007-02-25 06:30:23James段

“Life is a bitch, and I’ve married one.”

This is a true story which happened to me time ago.
After my immigrant from Taiwan, Tampa Bay, Florida was the first place I lived in the States. As you know, Florida is well known by its citrus products and --- of course, the beaches!
The town I used to stay is called Largo, which is surrounded all by the beaches. Maybe I can put it in this way for picturing you a better idea: as driving on the streets in Largo, you pick whichever the direction, no matter the east, west, south or north, just keep driving for 15 to 20 minutes, then, inevitably, there must be one of the local beaches in front of you. Yes, the beaches are everywhere!

Same as most of the Americans, in Largo, people like to put some funny words on their car tags on their bumper stickers too, such as “ I need money, so hit me!”, “If you’re rich, I’m single”, “Good girls go to heaven, but bad girls go everywhere!”, and so on. But the most popular one is this: “Life is a beach.” You can always see this one here and there especially on those travelers’ cars.

One day I was driving with my ex-ex wife in town (in those days, we were nearly divorced). When we stopped at a traffic light, there was a truck right in front of us and its rear tag said: Life is a beach. Since my ex-ex-wife was so serious about everything beyond her in the U.S, she had never wanted to let go any chance for practicing her English. So she went: “Liav ees a bitchee” with her hopeless pronunciation.

Then, sitting next to her, with no hesitation, I uttered in English: “Yeah, right. And I’ve married one, dear!”