2009-06-18 16:21:54Jin Jue Shr









我的寵貓「BOBO」是我在1990年還未學佛之前購買的。在買  BOBO 之前, 我並不喜歡動物 。因為我很疼BOBO     我把她視為自己的女兒。所以學佛之後也開始了解六道輪迴,也知道畜生道的痛苦。所以我想近辦法,希望BOBO  將來能夠脫離畜生道。當天由法師代我問師父上人問題:貓是否可以皈依上人?上人回答:貓業障深重,如果皈依要一百萬。我還很無知的問其他佛友,師父講的是新台幣還是美金?既然沒有這麼多錢可以讓BOBO 皈依師父上人,我再想其他的辦法。


終於皇天不復苦心人。我也在1993 51 BOBO 皈依了三寶,成了一隻佛教徒的貓,法名林慈波。1994 年春天,我有幸與二位佛友在Burlingame會見師父上人。我告知師父在皈依時,要幫貓皈依三寶的人就是我。上人告訴我,只要我用功修行我就可以度她,不用皈依他。








2005年的年初,BOBO的體檢報告,顯示出她有慢性腎衰竭的毛病〈Chronic Rental Failure〉。我更時時的提醒BOBO,一定要好好的念佛,才可以了生脫死往生淨土。
























My Beloved Cat Took Refuge

By Gwo Ai Lin

Translated into English by Bhiksuni Jin Jue



I took refuge with the Venerable Master Hua by once-a- lifetime- occasion of the consequence of the cause and condition in 1993. I became a Buddhist and gradually began to understand the definition of the Buddhism.

       I bought my pet cat Bobo in 1990, at that time; I have not study Buddhism yet. Before I bought Bobo, I didn’t like animals. Because I love Bobo so much that I look after at her like my own daughter.  After I study Buddhism, I began to understood the transmigration of the six destines and the sufferings of the animal path. I tried my best to find a way to liberated Bobo from the animal path in the future. At that day, one Dharma Master asks the Venerable Master one question for me, “Can a cat take refuge with the Venerable Master?” .The Venerable Master answered, “Cats have deep and serious karmic obstacles. It cost million dollars for a cat to take refuge.” I even asked an ignorant question to the other Buddhist friend, “Does he mean New Taiwan Dollars or U.S. Dollars?” Since I didn’t have such huge amount of money for Bobo to take refuge with the Venerable Master, I then worked on the other possible methods.

      Finally, as they said “the gods in the heaven never fail a person who undergoes hardship in order to achieve their goals; my effort got paid off.  Bobo took refuge with the Triple Jewels at May First, 1993 and she became a Buddhist cat since then. Her Dharma name was Lin Ci Po. I have the honor to met Venerable Master with two Buddhist friends at Burlingame in the spring of 1994. I told Shi Fu that I was the person who wanted to help a cat to take refuge with the Triple Jewels, at that day I took refuge with Shi Fu.  The Venerable Master told me that, as long as I applied great effort to cultivation, I would be able to rescue her by myself, it’s not necessary to let her took refuge with him.

     After the Venerable Master entered nirvana, I requested a lot of audio cassette tapes of the Dharma Talks and Sutras lecture by the Venerable Master. I begin to let Bobo listen to the Sutra Lecture with me and I made Bobo made request of repentance in front of the image of the Venerable Master. I also play the electronic Buddhas recitation machine in my house very often, and I hope that Bobo could follow the sound of that machine to recite the Buddhist name well by herself.

    It happen once in my house that a Buddha came in to said, “Amitabha” to greeted Bobo and Bobo greeted him back by raised her head and mews “Amitabha” .

    Then, Bobo got older, I always told her that she needs to recited the Buddhas’s name well then she can got reborn in the Land of Ultimate Bliss while the end of her life approaching.

At the beginning of 2005, the report of Bobo’s physical examination test discovered her Chronic Rental Failure problem. I constantly reminded Bobo that she needs to recited the Buddhas’s name well to liberate herself from birth and death and got reborn in the pure land. I thought that she might knew that she’s about to died, because I  always found out that she’s gazed on me every time that I woke up in the midnight, especially during the period of several months before her death.