2007-03-14 04:54:15吉米?幾米?
The Vagrant son with money
It’s the tine, I told myself. I could feel my heartbeat was speeding up. Bloody was rushing in my word. I could hear the kid’s noisy sounds and the familiar blaming sound from an old man. I took a deep breath and readjusted my dirty、wet clothes. I knocked on the door which was still as shabby as last time I left here. A little kid came to the door. At first, there was surprise on his face at the same time, an old fellow came and yelled:” what the hell are you waiting for!? Let…..” Same facial expression as the kid. There was a moment of stunned silence between three of us. Finally, I heard my voice break the silence, Hello dad! I am home……
Two years before. I was kicked out by father after we have the big a argument. My name is Dan who「had」the most awful father in the world. All that I could feel was the anger toward my father so I swore I would come back with lots of money. However it hardly anyone would employ a young fellow without any experience. When I almost gave up finding the job, I saw a huge properly on a hillside. I didn’t know why but I just felt I could get a job from there. As I entered through, I couldn’t believe what I saw. It was crowded with sheep and shearers. The sheep’s white wool was shining under the sun.
“What are you doing here, kid?” A bearded man asked.
“Hmm….I came for the job. Can I see your boss?”
He measured me with his eyes and so did I. This bearded man looks like an experienced shearer. His clothes were already yellowed by sheep oil. The muscles of both arms are amazingly huge. I believed He could raise a sheep with one hand.
“OK! Follow me son” he said
He led me to the owner’s building. It was made of wood but it looked really firm and solid.
“OK! Tell me your name”
“My name is Dan”
He walked into the room and took out some documents.
“You are lucky! We need one more person to shear the sheep. How ever I believed you don’t have the experience to shearing, I will tech you tomorrow …….and it won’t be a easy work” said the boss “oh… just before you leave, my name is John” he said
“Am I really getting a job?” I asked
“YES…but you need pay attention to your work otherwise I won’t let anyone eat without working under my roof” said John. Half kidding half serious
It was really early I don’t know the exact time but the sun was still hidden behind the mountains.
“Listen up carefully! When you are shearing keep your voice low and don’t use a great movement. Just try your best to calm the sheep or it would be uncontrollable and try to run away from you when you are shearing. In that case, you might hurt it……”said John
He used the big shears like his own head and he was using it with amazingly speed to shearing, I’ve never saw a big muscle man that be so patient to animals.
“But….how can you shearing with that speed” I asked
“You see, son. That’s how you youth doing things always see the result but didn’t see the work behind the fruit. It’s all about the experience” said John
“I can learn lots things from this man not only skills but also the life experience” I told myself.
The shears’ schedule was like farmers’. Their work started before the sunrise and finished after the sunset. My shearing skill was increasing pretty fast but if compare to others it’s still really poor. I asked John again……how could I improve myself faster?
“Don’t be so hurry kid! As I always said-It’s all about experience”
After a few months, I found a big problem of the shears. Because they crouched for too long so most of them always got the problem of their knee joint. I might do something for them to make their work much easier.
My idea is to create a moveable chair and you could adjust the chairs height. To my surprise the chair was really popular with the workers. But those kinds of knee hurt remain my dad’s knee hurt because his job at the farm is a hard job. And it couldn’t be done without my help.
I sold the patent to John and he really gave me lots money for that. And promise there would be always the job available from him
“That’s my story” I told my family. But dad didn’t want to work for other people even we are poor enough to be the beggar. But I will convince him one day. Just like what John said “it’s all about experience”