2006-05-06 11:39:32@ 大寶JILL @


well....I ma back....for a while.....

these day will be quite busy...and I am gonna to block down my diary for 10 days ..until.Like ....17 of May.....
Plz be miss me and come back to visit me on that day~

and these day I will celebrate my 21 St birthday which is on MAY 09.
everybody let’s come and bless me..XDD

I already have two party....my stomach was full of cake and snacks...
but I am still that slim...hahaha....

after 20 days....I will go visit KOREA and HUANGSHAN....for 11 days..
that’s really a cool one .....I am so...looking forward to my trip.....a magical trip.....

okay...I gotto go .....see you guys....in the coming furture...