2010-04-26 20:38:09Lemon

My elder sister get married

My older sister just has married on April eleventh.  My family went to Tainan to join

this wedding.  That day, I looked my older sister pretty good.  Besides, we stay in

Taiwan for two days.  We went to night market and eat delicious seafood.  I think the

husband of my elder sister has a good temper and really nice.   during those days, he

was our guide and told us much information about the historic buildings.  we visited a

lot of places,including 安平古堡、台南孔廟、赤崁樓,I felt it was interesting and I

really enjoy playing in those places.  I wish my elder sister can get happy with her

husband all the time.   In addition, I hope I can go to Tainan next time.