2010-03-28 16:31:46Lemon

go to Taichung

This Saturday, I went to Taichung to find my boyfriemd.  

We went to 一中street to eat something delicious, including a cup of

beverage, it's called 核廢料.  You  must think its name is sepical,  Actually,

it contens grass jelly, green beans and so on.  It tastes good, Maybe you can

order it when you go to Tauchung next time.   In addition, I also ate delicious

noodles.  Although it looks common compare to aother noodles. 

However,the noodles's elasticity is better than others.  My boyfriend and I

also like it very much.  No wonder consumers come the store again and

again.   What's more, I ate soy sauce-flavored delicacies. 

The store is recommend by TV program, including "食尚玩家" and "單車二勢力."

With TV programs's effect, there are many consumers in line to buy it.

At fact, I don't think that it's delicious, the daikon radish is tasteless.

  Maybe I won't buy it next time. 


In short, no matter go anywhere, eat anything.  As long as with right people, the trip

will be fun and impressible.  yesterday, I felt happy with my boyfriend.  Hope we can

get together forever.