2009-12-07 21:48:12Lemon

make Chinese fried buns

Last Wednesday, I made Chinese fried buns with my classmate, Linda. She is a volunteer club’s member. We went to their club office which is near our college, next to Pizza Hot shop. We ate dinner before making Chinese fried buns. That night, I did many chores, such as cut pressed tofu, vegetables, and bamboo shoots. I really enjoy with them because I seldom help my mom to cook, still less my friends. This was my first time to cook common dishes and eat together like family with friends. That day was a meaningful day. I was very happy to recognize them.

When we prepared to make Chinese fried buns, senior colleague demonstrated how to make it. There were three points we should notice. First, the Chinese fried buns’ skin was supposed to thin, not thick. So that it will taste delicious. Second, when we fried it, we should pay attention to fire. Don’t switch big flame, or it will be too scorch to eat. Third, don’t use much material into it, otherwise it will pulp spurted from Chinese fried buns. In addition to above all points should be watched out. He had already done its ingredient, too. The ingredient includes cabbage, mushrooms, green bean noodles, meat and so on. I figured that making Chinese fried buns was easy before I made. Actually, it wasn’t as simple as I thought. When I touched paste….Oh~ how disgusting! It was really sticky. At that moment, I felt some strange. Because this was my first time to use paste, let along making Chinese fried buns. So, we covered much flour with hands. Thus it’s handy to make it.

At the beginning, we had trouble time rubbing the hands together to become forms. Everybody complained with the paste which was difficult to take shape. Afterwards, we gradually acquired knacks. Everyone got happy to make the most favorite shape. Despite it was neither flawless nor tasteless, even some of them were fried scorched in the end. It was still the most precious and number one in our mind. Besides, making Chinese fried buns was not only special but unforgettable experience.

After taking part in this activity, I thought that it wasn’t just making something by us. In fact, I realized how to social contact with others. Moreover, I knew cooperation is really important because of everyone’s division of labor, we could finish it efficiently. I also apprehended that the power will be stronger if we united. Even if there are some difference between we made and the vender sold outside. The point is not flavor but learning and process.

Actually, many things are not as easy as we look in the surface. Most of all, we grow up bit by bit through participating several events. So, don’t minimize the diverse of activities. It can accumulate your knowledge and experiences. Consequently, they are also one of the best trails to pay the way for success.