2004-04-07 12:00:00薑糖

North (9) Can You Be True?

Can you be true?
Can this possibly be real?


I knew quite suddenly
Do you sense what I feel?

獨愛紐約的公車 帶我細細品嚐著這個城市

I long to hear you whisper my name
'Til you tell me
"My darling, you may be my man"

夢想起飛的美好 彷彿在此時我就可以閉上眼睛聞到清新的花草香

又活了過來 耳邊響起飛機引擎的隆隆聲

There will be days when you must go from my sight
There may be nights when clouds deny us starlight
Only time will tell us
I hope that it speaks gently if it isn't meant to be
Then again
By then we might not be listening so attentively

終有一天 我要飛到你們都看不懂的地方
請毋煩憂 請替我綻顏

I will be there
If the days bring torments and trials
To close the distances only measured in miles

一瞬間自由的空氣拂面 從心底感受自己的美麗

I long to hold you all through the night
And to tell you
"My darling, you make everything seem right"

不再說服自己應該滿足 應該快樂


And then I'll hear you calling in my name
And I'll answer
"My darling, I may be your man"

然後有一天 我會走出那扇門 意氣風發

到那時 回顧此刻
如同自高空俯瞰地面的火柴盒 更多收納眼底


請與我相約 飛上天空的時候 與我相視微笑
我將戴上那串黃水晶 飲下手上來自故鄉的那一杯陳年美酒