2008-04-17 14:30:49西加

人的一生如何, 在乎他/她如何看神

剛才看過元朗感恩堂學生的blog, 令我深深體會神創造人的寶貴, 每個人內裡都藏著豐富的資源和美麗的本性, 然而都離不開一個主題: 人應該如何過這一生?

最近看過一本書, 作者有一句說話很不錯, 意思是”人的一生如何, 在乎他/她如何看神。” 說得挺中肯, 沒有刻意宣教的意味, 但這是幾乎每個人都曾思考過的問題。

ceci 2008-04-19 10:55:04

很有意思的分享, 多謝姊妹!! :)

黃昏 2008-04-18 11:46:30

thanks for your sharing. It looks simple but it`s meaningful. That is what I am thinking at these days? How to pass the &quotbeautiful life&quot to others? Just to &quotsay&quot sth? I think we must use His words & our renewed life to pass the msg, rather than saying many many things...Keep learning together!~ miss u all...take care :)

HIHI... i m surprising to hear from you at here. Thanks for your sharing too.
of course, I agree with you!!! ^^
2008-04-21 09:58:06