2002-08-27 20:34:40加加
今晚不知為何那般精神, 靈魂像感到久違的伙伴一樣, 歌曲一直播手一直在動, 不肯入睡.
其實, 我只是太掛念那份quixotic的感受, 不能入睡而已.....
所以, 突如其來的靈感, 不寫下來不行, 怕會忘掉.
I think I am becoming more and more insensitive and stolid spending these days alone. It's time for me to crawl back to my bed and continue my reading and meditation so that I can sustain one of the most precious spirits I possess - sensation.
其實, 我只是太掛念那份quixotic的感受, 不能入睡而已.....
所以, 突如其來的靈感, 不寫下來不行, 怕會忘掉.
I think I am becoming more and more insensitive and stolid spending these days alone. It's time for me to crawl back to my bed and continue my reading and meditation so that I can sustain one of the most precious spirits I possess - sensation.