2008-03-26 07:50:29JЁЯRЧ Hsie

Night-Long Chat..

I wanted to chat with Sparrow when I got home..
Yet he appeared to be offline..
I wanted to ask him about how his life’s going..
and whether he missed up.. and a lot of *crap*..lol

Anywayz, Sparrow finally signed in MSN at about 8 O’clock..
When I was reading...
But still.its not a big deal to sacrifice my reading time..
We just started chatting..
I asked him whether he’s enjoying his life in Singapore..
And he said not really..but he’ll get used to it..
Because he still kinda missed his friends here..
and then I told him I have relatives in Singapore..
But I won’t visit Singapore till Winter Holiday..
and then he said dun worry he’s patient enough to wait for me..
and he will maybe come to Shanghai..to meet me..HAHA! Freakin’ nice

Yeah...and then we chatted for like a really long time..
He told me he’s not quite happy about his mom staying in Sing with him now..but he does like his grandparents..

And then I asked him whether there’re a lot of people trying to talk to him..
And he said ”Yeah..but you talk the most..” haha..
I joked with him and said because I type faster then them..
Then I said I can stop if he’s getting annoyed by me..
And he was so slething’ nice..he was like ”Of course not lah..I’m in fact relying on you..totally..”
Man..and then I told him more about what happened at school..
During Science..and everything..

And I told him that his cannon was displayed at the corridor..
Very near mine..and he was like
”Cool Man..best frenz always stay together..”
And I was freakin happy..
Then we both agreed that chatting with each other will be a daily routine for best frenz to do..and we both changed our MSN dp name..

We chatted for like anoter 30 minutes and he said he’ll take a shower..
and he asked me to wait for him..

So I quickly prepared my stuff for tomorrow..
and turned off the computer and grabbed my lab-top computer into the room..haha..its convenient to have 2 computers that’re yours!!

When he came back..we chatted more about foods..
and I told him once again..how much I miss him..
And since I told him I miss Rojak, he promised me to send me one overnight to Shanghai..SPARROW, I STILL DIDNT GET IT YET!!

Then he was trying to get me go to Singapore and stay with him..haha

SpArRoW---”chatting with jerry hsieh” a daily routine of my ife.. haha try to come here lah

JЁЯRЧH---”chatting with sparrow ooi” a daily routine of my life.. i will think about it..haha

22:12:09 SpArRoW---”chatting with jerry hsieh” a daily routine of my life..
haha...dun go to a hotel..stay in my place..

2008-3-25 22:12:36 SpArRoW---”chatting with jerry hsieh” a daily routine of my life.. gdgdgdgdgd

2008-3-25 22:12:38 SpArRoW---”chatting with jerry hsieh” a daily routine of my life..
very gd

2008-3-25 22:12:40 SpArRoW---”chatting with jerry hsieh” a daily routine of my life..
2008-3-25 22:12:43 SpArRoW---”chatting with jerry hsieh” a daily routine of my life..
u r welcome

2008-3-25 22:12:45 JЁЯRЧH---”chatting with sparrow ooi” a daily routine of my life..

2008-3-25 22:12:54 SpArRoW---”chatting with jerry hsieh” a daily routine of my life..
really..come n stay with me..best frend..lol

2008-3-25 22:12:59 SpArRoW---”chatting with jerry hsieh” a daily cme

2008-3-25 22:13:02 JЁЯRЧH---”chatting with sparrow ooi” a daily routine of my life..

2008-3-25 22:13:05 SpArRoW---”chatting with jerry hsieh” a daily routine of my life..
very welcome u

2008-3-25 22:13:07 JЁЯRЧH---”chatting with sparrow ooi” a daily routine of my life..

2008-3-25 22:13:08 SpArRoW---”chatting with jerry hsieh” a daily routine of my life..
ya or

2008-3-25 22:13:11 SpArRoW---”chatting with jerry hsieh” a daily routine of my life..
ya lor

2008-3-25 22:13:26 SpArRoW---”chatting with jerry hsieh” a daily routine of my life.. lol..then tell your parents that singapore offers a better education

2008-3-25 22:13:31 JЁЯRЧH---”chatting with sparrow ooi” a daily routine of my life..
and then ask them to send u here

2008-3-25 22:13:32 JЁЯRЧH---”chatting with sparrow ooi” a daily routine of my life..

Sparrow also gave me a promise list..and we both agreed on 3 for now..
1. Chat with Jerry Hsieh everyday..
2. Hangout with Jerry Hsieh when come back to Shanghai.
3. Be best frenz forever..
4. dunno yet..i will think of more!

lol..it was cool..we chatted till 10:28..her mom came back from drinking coffee..and he gotta go..

It was freakin fun chatting with him..
and since it has became a daily routine..
i will do it everyday~

Jer Hsieh