2012-07-06 01:56:24JENNY

Unit 8 作業與解答(商用英語口語練習 102下)

Unit  8   作業與解答

It is really important for you.  Enjoy it!!

U8  學生回家作業及解答

 Listen and practice 

  對話聽力選擇 p.50

a. Someone else’s

b. Doesn’t know

聽力填空練習 解答 p.50

1. help

2. right

3. get to

4. step

5. go down

6. miss

7. where’s

1.40 對話聽力選擇 p.53

 a. Is everyone with you?  No, Sandy’s at the drinking fountain.

 b. Any questions?  Yes, When do we eat?

 c. OK? Is that clear?   Yes, got it.

 d. Can everyone hear me?  No, sorry.  Could you repeat that?